BR Standard 4 MT 2-6-0

BR Standard 4 MT 2-6-0

Hi Jean, a great painting, looks like a standard class 5??? I have a couple of loco paintings in my watercolour portfolio, a looser style of watercolour! Brian

Thanks for your comment, Brian. I will have a look at your portfolio. Yes, my friend said it is similar to a Standard 5 but it is a standard 4MT 2-6-0. I don't know a lot about trains. He just asked me to paint it. It was a challenge. I'm glad you recognised it as belonging to that group. I must have done something right then! Jean

Many thanks Jean for your comments on my flowers. This is a stunning painting. I know how difficult it is to paint trains; I have just one in my village portfolio and those wheels were a nightmare. We often get steam trains on te line past our house. It's a train watcher's paradise.Mine was roughly A4 size but this looks bigger. The colours are spot on and the track ballast looks really good. Re your photos; I realise this one is already framed but do try to take your photos before framing then just crop them down to the actual picture .

That's a smashing piece of work Jean, well done. They're not easy, so don't know why I have done so many, not being a train buff. I have done about 17 I think, the early ones in watercolour, the rest in oils. Just a pity you didn't photograph before framing, but we can still see the expertise of your work.

Thank you Diana for your lovely comments. Yes this is about 24" x 20". I have got a nicer photo of it but I can't get it on-line digitally. My son is coming down to show me how to do it properly so hopefully I will improve! Thank you also Derek- looked for your portfolio but could only find one train. I liked it. Have you got some more? Jx

Thanks for your reply Jean; much appreciated

Jean, there are two loco paintings in my portfolio, just enter Brian Rylance in the search box on the Gallery page! Brian

This is very good, Jean. I'm not surprised it won an award.

A stunning painting,Jean.Well done.

Thank you Richard and Geraldine for your encouragement. I appreciate praise from fellow artists. It inspires you to keep going. Jx

Hi Jean, Thank you so much for your generous praise for 'Tornado unleashed'. Does wonders to fight the gloomy February days when you get comments like that! I have honestly never properly tried watercolours, and I don't know how you do the detail highlights that are so part-and-parcel of paintings machines. In oils, I can just put down the big shapes and leave the highlights to the end so I think you're very brave if you have to think about painting the darks and leave spaces for the highlights at the end - although I wonder, do you use masking fluid to make that easier? I think I'm too much of an old oil-dog now to learn new tricks, no doubt to my detriment! How much fun would it be for some of us to get together one day to paint steam and discuss technique or something...

This is just excellent!!!!!!!!

Hello Jean, Thank you for the lovely comments about my work, I have now had a chance to look at your brilliant work, I love the steam loco. I live in Victor Harbour, South Australia and we have a preserved railway here, the first commercial railway in Australia so I am biased on that work. If you want to see more my website is Just keep up the good work, Bill

Hi Jean - thanks for you kind comments about my attempt at a train. Then I saw yours........... back to the drawing board for me I think. Yours is stunning, as are the rest of your works. As a beginner I have a long way to go!

Thank you Andrew, Linda, Bill and Tony. It is so encouraging to have your lovely comments, especially when it is such a lousy photograph! Yes, Andrew it would be great to get together and paint steam trains. I am about to embark on another!! Jx

hi jean steven here again, had a look at your other paintings and i think they are really lovely. i love your snow leopard but the painting i like most of all is the br standard train. i love paintings of trains and i think this painting is really superb. well done !!!!!!!!

Jean what a picture like all little boys I love trains it has a timeless feel so reminiscent of the old railway posters wonderful work I would happily hang it on my wall so wrap it up and send it to me quickly by rail of course.... seriously great work RJH

Hi Steven and |Robert, Thank you both for your lovely comments. I've been hanging slack on painting that second train so I thank you both. I might try it now. You have encouraged me to 'go for it'! P.S. Robert, since this is a commission I can't send it to you but I could send you a print. Jx

Hang on Studio Wall
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It is unusual, apparently, to see this steam train on this line. It is coming under Long Eaton bridge, near Nottingham. It was captured by a trainspotting enthusiast, a friend of mine, who commissioned me to paint it. It won best watercolour of the show in the Mansfield Society of Artists' Annual exhibition of 2002. It was a challenge as I had never painted a train before.

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