Village in Pyrannees mountains, South France

Village in Pyrannees mountains, South France

I really like this composition and can't help feeling that it would make a great oil painting (or acrylic).

Do you think so, Christine? I never thought of it. It seemed to shout watercolour to me. You don't think it would be too simple for oil /acrylics? I always associate oils with serious detailed paintings like Constable, etc. How would it look in oils, do you think?

Love this one Jean! You'd like Dubrovnik I think - have you been?

Just had a look through your portfolio Jean. It's very impressive. I love this painting particularly.... the composition, and colours. You're very talented. It's best if you photograph your paintings before you frame them otherwise as in some of them you see the flash, i'm guilty of this myself. when i photograph my work , i use the super macro facility and click from about 8 inches away. Thankyou so much for your kind comments on my work, I appreciate it !!

Thank you Kate for your kind comments. You deserve the praise your work is lovely. Jean

Thank you Sue for your lovely positive comment. I haven't been to Dubrovnik. Where is it? Poland? Is it like France? Jean

Jean, your gallery is lovely...bold, vibrant colours, and you have a way of creating the unusual out of the everyday. Thank you for your comment on my winding road, it was very much appreciated. Ruth

Hang on Studio Wall

This was a view from the top of the Alberes, near Elne in South of France. I painted it on location, while on holiday visiting the area in Summer.

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