The Canagou and Alberes, Pyranees mountains - South of France

The Canagou and Alberes, Pyranees mountains - South of France

Another lovely painting. I know this area so well as my in-laws lived there until 2005 . I scan my watercolours but this is only possible up to A4 size and before framing! Do you have a "museum" setting on the menu of your digit' camera? as it generally avoids the flash.

Aaaah, le Canigou! An amazing sight n'est ce pas? You've captured it well, the contrast of light and shades on the mountains works to great effect. Thanks for the comments you posted in my gallery it was good of you to take the time to post so many! I've replied to your queries there rather than here so that they are in context.

Thank you both for yur lovely comments. They are much appreciated. Yes, Christine, it is a beautiful area. I go back every year as I have friends there. I have wanted to paint the Pyrannees there for a long time and now I have finally done it. I am pleased with the result. No doubt I will paint them again. I am doing an acrylic of the Pyrannees from the other side, viewed from the countryside just South of Toulouse. I will post it on as soon as it is finished. (Won't have a problem withthe flash this time as it will not have glass! What a shame your parents don't live there any more Avril. It's a stunning place. I wanted to buy a mobile home there but the recession brought me redundancy - hence trying to promote my art - so now I visit as often as I can, money prevailing. Is anyone going to the Patchings Art Fayre in June?

This is a lovely painting,Jean. I like the long rectangular shape-It's good for capturing the expanse of the mountain scene.I use a digital camera when photographing my paintings. I usually leave it on the auto setting as my photography skills are not great.I think it's a good idea to photograph the painting unframed.That way you don't get the reflections from the glass. I usually crop my picture on the computer too if I get too much of the background in the photo. It really makes it look much better.

Thank you for your kind comment Geraldine. Yes, I am getting better at the photography and computer side of art (photgraphing work and posting on here has been a learning curve for me!) I have had lots of advice from other artists and it helps a lot. jx

Hi Jean Love the panoramic view, you have catured the light, sky and distant mountains perfectly, not easy in watercolour, again well done

Thank you Peter. Much appreciated comment.

Dear Jean, to thank you for your kind remarks on 'my' mountains, I must choose one of yours. I think the fact that your photos aren't 'perfect' has a beneficial effect on the final result: it liberates the imagination - mountains can so easily become mere topographical studies. This is a lovely view and I'm full of admiration for your ability to keep washes working across such a broad panorama. Forgive me for not seeing all your paintings (the portraits are wonderfully spontaneous - true personalities); I mostly only browse fellow watercolourists efforts!

Hang on Studio Wall

I have visited and re-visited this area and absolutely LOVE the Pyrannes and everything about them. This was inspired by a walk into the heart of the mountains where I painted the mountain village. I loved this view and was determined to work on it when I returned home. Here it is at last. I haven't a good camera. I have bought several digital ones but can't use them. This is taken on my mobile and has not really picked out the colours. It s very pale. Can anyone give me some photgraphy for idiots advice? Thanks

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