'Not so Still Life'

'Not so Still Life'

I like your painting very much but not the flash!!!! Could you not put your camera on a tripod and take the photo without the flash?Your description of how you made it is fascinating and just shows how long it can take to "get there"! Well done.

Thank you Avril I appreciate your encouragement very much. Yes, sorry about the flash. I know to take the photos outside now - and without glass . I do have some lovely photos my friend took for me on his digital camera and they are saved to one of those tiny discs but I don't know how to transfer these onto painters-online so I had to put the worst photos I've got on-line just because of lack of knowledge i the technical dept!. Shame but there it is. I'm sure my I.T will improve as I keep going. What with life and painting, where do you get the time for all the extra technology bits??? Jean

Hang on Studio Wall

This was a painting done for my 'A' Level (done later in life in 1997). I started off with a pen and ink drawing of a still life colloection of items: a copper kettle, a roll of carpet, an old Mansfield brewery bottle, some books, a pewter jug and an old stone fountain sculpture from the garden. I then photocopied the pen and ink drawing (on A4) four times and cut edges from the original objectsin the still life and stuck them again on an A1 sheet as though a light had shot through the whole lot and exploded it. I then transferred the new 'mage' created by the cut and stick playing and drew it all onto an A1 size piece of watercolour. Originally I intended doing it in watercolour but found the medium too insipid for the effect I was wanting to create. I wanted drama so enhanced it with pastels. I am now happy with the result and love the interaction of the colours. What do you think?

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