Sorting The Nets

Sorting The Nets

You've painted the boats very well, Fiona - I think this is a natural subject matter for you...

Wow Fiona those boats a great.

Love the way you have painted the boats and the rigging Fiona, also love the composition.

I was about to say how much I love the sky ... then I read your comment! The water marks work perfectly. I love the composition and the boats have s very convincing shape. My art tutor is really working towards me trying to improve my painting of water and boats. I’ll get a few tips from you

All looks mighty fine to me Fiona. Great loose version of water and good boats. Nice work.

This looks great Fiona - a real change of subject too!

Lovely subject and new for you, Fiona, well painted.

Thank you very much everyone for your words of encouragement, I’m not very confident at painting boats. I will do a bit of practicing by copying before I set myself loose down at the harbour! I would prefer to be a little looser in execution in time. Thanks again.

It’s quite exciting Fiona! I love the sky even if you say it’s a mess because it goes so well with the boats and the water. Beautifully drawn too!

Love this Fiona. The boats are fab and there is so much going on with such limited detail and a great atmosphere to the painting.

The boats and reflections are super Fiona. The sky also looks fine to me!

Wow... this is a nice departure for you Fiona... well done!

Lovely use of colour with good movement.

I agree Fiona, boats are tricky things to get right, I haven't managed it yet! Not a bad effort though so well done. It's that Jacksons paper though, it does look in places as though you've had a battle with it, but I may be wrong!

I love this Fiona. One of your best.

This is beautiful, Fiona. You’ve needed a steady hand for the rigging.

As Margaret has already said, this is a change of subject for you, but it works very well, lol forward to more to come.

Lovely work Fiona 😀

Lovely painting Fiona one of your best I think.

Feeling of immediacy and fabulous boats, Fiona, the sky fits the water too, perfectly!

Love this!! Beautifully painted..

So grateful for all your wonderful comments you lovely lot......thank you! I will try a few more boats, especially after all your encouragement and I have a couple of small harbours close by for subjects and inspiration.

It's full of life Thalia !!

Sorry Fiona, looking at too many gorgeous paintings at once !!

Your boats look fine Fiona, a lovely colourful scene. worries Audrey, thank you. Many thanks Val.

Yes Fiona I did catch this and In think both the sky and water illustrate the problems with this paper. I think wash on wash is no go. Maybe a simple plain wash for the water? I suspect I will go back to Arches Rough once my block of 12 sheets of Jackson is finished. But it is good for the matchstick and ink drawing

This is lovelyFiona and a joy to be back on line (albeit temporarily again) - yes still in hospital but have sent an e mail. Will now look at postings I have missed.

Absolutely fabulous painting, Fiona. Nothing wrong with the boats and the use of colours and washes is gorgeous.

Carol, received your email thank you, will get back to you shortly. Any more news on a discharge date....hope it’s soon! Thanks for commenting Carol, Thank you Gudrun, appreciate your comment. Hi Alan, yes the Jackson’s is okay for playing around on and experimenting but I much prefer Arches, I use the NOT surface, I didn’t like the rough very much.

I like this very much Fiona, great colours and energy.

Thank you very much for your comment Sandra.

Well fiona You've been busy whilst I've been away again for the second and last hip replacement, just out of hospital and still on Crutches but it's all done, so onwards and upwards hopefully back painting again very soon I've gotta lots of ideas and things I want to do so... Can't wait... Boats hey I've only ever had a go at them a couple of times but can see the fascination.. You've made a great piece of work here as I've come to expect now with your work.. Like the orangey elements in the sky too.. But then I'm like a moth when it comes to orange lol... Great

Hello Alan! Lovely to read your comment....thank you! When I get time off from the garden and the nature reserve, I hope to try a few more boats. Bet you can’t wait to get out there!

Vibrant , energetic, love your boats , Fiona.

Annick, Dennis......thank you both very much for your comments.

Lovely boats and setting for this scene and exotic colours too which draw out the forms of the fishing boats very well. Well done!

Thank you Angela!

I'm very impressed, your boats are phenomenal and you're obviously passionate about them as subject matter.

Many thanks again Kevin!

Hang on Studio Wall

16”x12” watercolour and ink on Jackson’s rough paper. This is a thumbnail of an oil painting by Emile Gruppe, I have a couple of his books and he’s a master at painting boats. I would like to do more paintings with boats so I’m getting some practice in. Alan Conner, if you manage to catch this, you can see the mess I’ve made of the sky on this Jackson’s paper, by adding too thin a wash over an already damp one.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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