Hips & Haws

Hips & Haws

Has a good natural feel Fiona, and in your usual style. I like the way you have done the background trees to give a sense of space and atmosphere.

Having a rest from orange? This is one of your lovely, classic, limited palette, watercolours that you do so well. Nice one, Fiona!

I immediately saw that this was one of yours, Fiona. Beautiful as usual!

Agree with all that has been said Fiona, a lovely painting and immediately recognisable as one of your masterpieces.

Yep... this is you Fiona....lovely painting :)

I'm disappointed that the red doesn't show up John, it doesn't explain the title if you can't see the red. I'll have to either take another photo or do it again and be a little bolder. Than k you for your comment. Lol Ann, yes having a rest from orange...for the moment, thank you. Thank you Mia, David and Sylvia..... back to my usual palette, which I do like, even though it's a little dull.

Terrific. Up to your usual high standard.

Lovely work Fiona proper watercolour, very nice

A super painting Fiona, pity the red hasn't shown up but I will use my imagination!

Thank you Brian, very kind. Thanks Dennis! I'm going to do it again Margaret, well not exactly but with more red! Thanks for your comment.

I do Gudrun and a little on the right hand bush too. Thank you!

Clean and simple, and very nice.

Beautiful painting, Fiona, in your unmistakable style and palette.

Great marks, colour and shading Fiona.

Beautiful washes in the sky, you have got skies off to a fine art (pun intended:) love the recession too Fiona. Lots of berries this Autumn!

Must say I can't see any red on my iPad but the painting looks good. As someone said, the pale distant trees gives a feeling of depth. The main tree looks a little odd with no large branches, has it been heavily cut back?

I do like the overall design with the solitary tree and that rather superb wash on the sky. Can't see any red on my screen, could be my eyes, it is early.

I really admire your free technique with your brush Fiona

Thanks again Gudrun! Many thanks Shirley, Cesare, Michael, Carole.....yes a tremendous amount of berries this year, we get a lot of field fares, redwings and sometimes, if we're very lucky a few waxwings....so lots of food for them this year! Thank you Stepehen, there is a fine example of an Ash tree and still in full leaf but I thought this one would be more interesting......I like the Wesson style bare tree! lol Thank Alans.....no it isn't your eyes, it doesn't show up well at all. I've looked out the window this morning and the sun is on another group of trees/bushes covered with hawthorn berries, so if I have time today......and there will be no mistake about seeing the red this time!!

Thank you Lynne, that's very kind of you.

A lovely loose and fresh feel to this Fiona!

Ah there it is, I do prefer this to the later version, but they're all damn good.

Chandra, Derek thank you both very much.

Perhaps spugs ate them while you wern't looking :) . Still a beautiful painting though, with or without the berries.

Lol...you could be right there Pete, she eats everything else! She can hear the wrapper coming off a Tunnocks wafer from a 100 yards! Thank you.

Now I've got a dilemma, can't decide which I like best :)

Thanks Val! X

I've only just seen this one after the mk 2....well no orange in sight and it works.... I must make a note of that... :-)..

You can make orange work in any situation Alan......thanks again!

Hang on Studio Wall

16" x 12" watercolour on Arches, Old Holland paints. I noticed a couple of days ago that the hedge at the bottom of the paddock has flashes of red running through it from the ripening Hawthorn berries and Rose hips, thought I had better catch it before the birds set about them. The muted red doesn't seem to show up as well on screen as in the painting.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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