Achenmalg Luce Bay 2

Achenmalg Luce Bay 2

Ah yes Fiona -this really is a lovely painting from your original sketch.

Love this, Fiona, particularly the colour of the exposed rock.

As Seth said very good exposed rock, it really stand out.

I like the olours you chose Fiona, it all looks summery cool ( if that makes sense)

Carol thank you. I never quite warm to the painting of a sketch for some reason. Thanks Seth, my favourite bit to be honest. Thanks very much Richard! Many thanks Marjorie, the main blue (sky) is Manganese and I think it is on the cool side.

Another good painting, Fiona.

You have managed to keep the freshness of your sketch, which isn't easy, very well done!

Good painting Fiona.

Lovely work, Fiona. I think you’ve achieved the summery look you were after, very nicely. I love manganese blue for skies, and the big diagonal cloud is a good compliment to it. And the strong craggy effect of the rocky cliff creates a striking focus.

nothing lost in the translation - still has a vibrancy.

Nice job here Fiona, looking very relaxed!!

Well done Fiona, a good strong image with the inclusion of those dark rocks which pull it all together.

Lovely painting Fiona, it has a fresh loose feel with the rock face making a real impact.

This one 'Jumped out' when I saw it, Fiona. Nice and sharp and good recession.

Lovely loose watercolour, 😀

Nothing lost in this, Fiona! It conveys so much. just lovely, especially that superb rock!

That is really good Fiona, the sky looks super.

Many, many thanks everyone for your kind comments and feedback, it is always appreciated.

Everything about this works so well Fiona, the rocky outcrop in the foreground is brought into focus by the misty headland in the distance, and the sky and sea complement each other perfectly. :)

Thank you very much Keith, I wasn’t sure about the palette to begin with but it’s brighter than my usual one..

This is super Fiona, the fresh colours (love the greens and that sky) contrast so well against the dark rocks.

This has a lovely summery feel to it Fiona especially the sky and those dark rocks contrast nicely with the sea and beach.

Jenny and Val......thank you ladies, much appreciated.

Well done for doing a painting from your sketch (I very seldom do- bit tol scared - and lazy) this is lovely. I see your sketches/paintings and think "Scotland?" even before I see your name/name of sketch.

Thanks Margaret, I don’t always do a painting from the sketches I do. But I don’t like painting from photos so my sketchbook is my store of material really.....might not always turn out like the sketch anyway! Yes most landscapes are Scotland, either here in Galloway or the highlands were I lived before.

I really like this lovely watercolour Fiona. Great colours, subtle sky and a dramatic headland. It works really well.

Hang on Studio Wall

16”x12” watercolour on Arches. Worked up from the pastel sketch I did yesterday. I didn’t and usually don’t take photos if I do a sketch, I would rather use the sketch and what I can remember from the scene. If I rely on a photo it all goes to pot. Changed my usual palette to try and get a more bright summery feel, hope I haven’t lost too much in translation.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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