It's Official!!

It's Official!!

Lovely work Fiona great sketch proper autumn.

My favourite time of the year Fiona, love the autumnal colours which you&#39;ve captured beautifully!<br />

That proves it Fiona lovely work

You have the colours just right Fiona, love the really diffused background, gives it a real Autum mist feeling, nice one.

Lovely and fresh sketch, Fiona!

Lovely loose mark-making. I&#39;ll take that over photo-realism every time.

Your pen work is so lovely and free, Fiona! Love the autumnal colouring here and as in your previous one, the foreground is gorgeous.

Just lovely, perfect in every way.

Love the warm autumn colours, and it&#39;s got a real loose feel to it.

Beautiful autumnal colours Fiona , I feel an avalanche of Autumnal paintings will be posted up in the coming weeks :)

Yep i think your right, its here. cold and wet this morning. Lovely painting you&#39;ve captured the beautiful colours

Many thanks everyone for you kind comments and feedback. I think you could be right Dermot, the gallery will be a dazzle of Autumnal colours shortly.

This is fabulous, Fiona! The colors are so fresh and I love the vibrant squiggles and lines that so eloquently express the wonderfully wild autumn foliage. Superb!

Beautiful contrasting browns and ochre&#39;s all blend well together in this delightful woodland sketch, well done F.

Love the subtle washes, ver Autumn Fiona. Great pen marks too.

Yes, I think Autumn is finally here , this little sketch..It is fresh and light!

Well it certainly arrived here yesterday and today Fiona, I&#39;ve had to have the heating on all day:( A lovely sketch with great colours that work so well with your lively pen work.

Great pen work, Fiona. You have such a light touch. Lovely!

It&#39;s been said. Gorgeous colours and as usual I like you pen work.

Thanks ever so much Seok, Alan, Carole, Chandra, Val, Jennifer and Gudrun for you kindness.

Lovely autumnal tones Fiona!

Lovely effects in this one Fiona, the whole work hangs together beautifully.

Thank you very much Sarah, Roland for your kind comments.

Another wonderful sketch Fiona, love the colours and pen work.

Thank you very much John, much appreciated.

Sorry, that should be

This is lovely Fiona, the light comes through beautifully. The paper looks interesting.

Hang on Studio Wall

What a difference a couple of weeks makes.....I think Autumn has arrived. Just a quick sketch in the woods.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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