L.P. Painting Project

L.P. Painting Project

This is fabulous, Fiona! I really love those loose, confident lines and marks, and yes, the telegraph pole and lines really give the asymmetry needed for the composition. It's brilliantly done! You mentioned trying out monoprinting but not being very successful at it. That was my experience as well. I'm really enjoying someone walk me through some of the basic techniques now. If you're interested, the lady with whom I am taking the online course is Linda Germain and her website is www.lindagermain.com. I think it's too late to join this round as we're almost halfway through the course. But I think she does hold a course every year, so if you're interested, you might want to keep an eye out for it.

Lovely line work Fiona! Thanks for the information on Linda Germain Seok, that sounds really interesting!

This is a lovely piece Fiona i really admire your style

Like the angle Fiona.

Love the blue and yellow Fiona, the black pen work is great.

Well Fiona, this scratchy old pen of yours is really working well. A super sketch in all respects, well done for including the pole and wires, it works, I left both of them out in mine, mistake...

I like this method really good.

I like the post and lines being included Fiona! Lovely !

Works very well Fiona, there has been a good response to this challenge, interesting to see the variety of the various approaches.

Well drawn Fiona and I like your colour choice. The telegraph wires make it!

Thank you very much everyone for your smashing comments, really appreciate you taking the time to look.

This LP painting project has been very popular with lots of super interpretations, I do like this Fiona, as Louise has said the telegraph wires make it!

Thank you Christine, very much. I wasn't sure whether I had made the right decision leaving the other buildings out and replacing that point of interest with the pole and wires. The picture I had in my head before I started it looked okay.....but you never know what the finished article is going to look like do you.

The drawing of the building is great, the blue also. I especially love the plants Fiona, so casually drawn and effective.

Hi Fiona, in answer to your question, I just wanted to let you know I used water-soluble printing ink for the monoprints I am currently using. I must admit to really liking the switch from using acrylics, because the inks aren't water proof once they're dry, so it's much easier to clean the brayer, the plate and the stamps. They're also more transparent.

By far the best version of this IMHO Fiona.<br /><br />In reply to your question on my rose I painted those two pieces a couple of days apart. I hope you get to St Kilda, it was on my late husbands to do list and thankfully he got there four years ago. Unfortunately I couldn&#39;t go with him as due to several operations I would have had trouble physically landing on the island. My daughter was lucky enough to get there in 2013 so I&#39;ve got loads of photos to work from.

Excellent lively pen work , beautifully done

Thank you Satu you&#39;re very kind about my drawing.....lol. I don&#39;t think there is one straight line! <br />Many thanks for that Seok. When I tried the monoprinting I used acrylics but not thinned down enough and just ended up with a stodgy mess. But I will have another go at some point, I&#39;ll let you know how I get on, I checked out the website too, looks very interesting.<br />Thank you very much Val.....it sounds as though St. Kilda has a special significance for you Val and it&#39;s good you have lots of photographic memories of the place.....even if you haven&#39;t been there. My interest in the place started after going to a talk by Maureen Kerr who lived and worked on St Kilda for 10 years or so. She&#39;s a writer and artist and kept a diary/sketch book of her time there....fascinating.<br />Thank you Dermot!

Now I wish I had put the telegraph lines in - damn it, lol!! Lovely, Fiona - your penwork is always so assured but done with a light touch. The addition of the patches of wash are perfect as well.

Your sketch is full of brilliant subtle use of colour, love the variation in warm and cool. Delightful gallery of paintings Fiona

Thank you very much Nora, very kind of you to say so.

Hang on Studio Wall

A quick pen &amp; wash sketch (12"x9") of the painting project in the LP. I have left out the additional buildings and made more of the telegraph pole and wires. I really liked the way they criss cross the skyline. Sorry, I seem to have cropped it a little tight.

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Fiona Phipps

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