Linda’s Goth Challenge

Linda’s Goth Challenge

Scary or what !. I think it fill the bill.

Blimey, Fiona. That’s frightening. I wouldn’t want to upset you😳

Oh definitely scary Fiona 😨 I'm still chasing squirrel up the tower. Lol.

Ooh that's scary Fiona, good one😲

Imaginative and nicely done Fiona. Right in the spirit of it. Goths in Whitby? More chance of Hippies in Hebden Bridge....oh, wait a minute....(-:

Brilliant Fiona, Brides of Dracula spring to mind, thanks for taking up the challenge 😀

Oooh this is a bit spooky Fiona- looks as if you enjoyed producing it.

Lol.....hope you didn’t have nightmares children! Thanks very much for looking, and for the challenge Linda. Jim not my imagination, like you, a couple of images from the internet mixed together. Thank you.

It fits alright, so ghostly Fiona. It feels like this morning ^%$^&&! Cold. WEll done.

Wouldn’t like to meet her on a dark night!!! .. good one Fiona.

Fiona, there's nothing on earth that hasn't been done before and as long as the version is yours and not a Mona Lisa photograph, what problem. My moon girl image idea is totally based on someone's image. I just liked it and drew my version, just like you.

OOOOOOOwww! scary or what! Brilliant Fiona!

Scary indeed ! Hope the face idea wasn't inspired by a Galloway night out !!

Thanks John, yes not that warm north of the border either. Rachel, thanks very much, scares me every time I look in the mirror! Lol

Thanks Gudrun and Thalia. More like the morning after a Galloway night out Richard! Lol must admit there is a slight resemblance, it’s my morning look alright.........thank you Richard.

Scary!! At 14 my daughter considered herself a Goth. Thankfully she grew up :)

Val, what do you mean grew up?! I’m 59 and still a Goth! ONLY KIDDING!! I’m! Thanks! Many thanks Carolyn, it is isn’t it.

Thanks for offer re a few arty things. Have tried to contact via " contact artist ". Doesn't seem to like my E Mail address - odd because it matches my Newsletter details. Advice ? So I can send you my postal details.

Rather good drawing Fiona, did Jules do it?... This has worked better on watercolour paper!

Yes Al, and left handed! He’s caught my eyes perfectly don’t you think? X

What's all this about a Goth Challenge? It seems to be all the rage. Your Goth has Gothic appeal by the truckload. Brian

Thanks’s a challenge set by Linda, to come up with a gothic themed creation.

Hope the bloods not real !! Great idea, great painting.

No not real thanks very much for your comment.

Hang on Studio Wall

12”x9” artgraph on Arches. Taken from a couple of internet images......a very rough sketch indeed! Hope it fits the Goth theme Linda. Lol

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Fiona Phipps

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