St. Ninian's Cave 2

St. Ninian's Cave 2

Love the colours in this Fiona and can see how it would work equally well in acrylic with a knife. Look forward to seeing it!

Hi Christine, thank you. Don't build your hopes up too much about the acrylic's been a bit of a saga! 1. I don't normally use acrylics and 2. I think I've used painting knives twice, so as you can imagine it's a lot of a mess.......but I'll let you be the judge.Lol. Thanks again.

I like this a lot Fiona! Strong colours, and I hope that you keep the acrylic , knife painting going! It's great fun :) looking forward to seeing it on here.

The rocks look suitably rugged Fiona, it seems we are both experimenting at the moment, good luck on your journey!

The rocks look suitably rugged Fiona, it seems we are both experimenting at the moment, good luck on your journey!

I prefer this one, Fiona. There is a lot more depth in it because of the stronger colours. Good luck on the acrylic painting. I never painted with acrylic, so I am looking forward to seeing your work!

I like this one too Fiona but if I had to choose it would be the first one as it's softer and more calming somehow, if that makes sense. Looking forward to the acrylic version.

Good work Fiona! Lovely colours and a bold approach to a difficult looking subject. Well done!

I think I prefer this one, more contrast and bolder use of color, looking forward to seeing the knife painting. I always use a knife know, just too lazy to wash out brushes.

Posted by K 0 on Sun 20 Jul 13:48:31

This is nice Fiona, and I love the palette used here.

Oh dear....I shouldn't have mentioned the acrylic version, it's absolutely awful and I've put myself on the spot haven't I! I'll post it but I did warn you.Lol. Thank you very much Sarah, Stephen, Mia, Val, Satu, Kevin and Frank for your continued encouragement.

I have just logged in and I know there is another one to look at in due course. I am one of those who goes from where I left off in the gallery the last time. I really like this and I am looking forward to looking at Cave 3. There is so much scope with this scene. Your use of colour in this one is very effective in my opinion.

Thank you very much Gudrun. I enjoyed the merging the colours into one another in the you will see, it doesn't work as well in acrylics!

Hang on Studio Wall

Pen & wash. This version is larger and has a little more detail. Jackson's rough paper and Old Holland watercolours. I'm working on an acrylic version done with a's looking a bit MAD!!

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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