“After Wesson” for March.


I love wet watercolour landscapes and this is fabulous -more like this!

Lovely use of watercolour, Fiona.

Thank you very much Willie, I do too but it’s the application of achieving it……lol.

Oopps missed you there Roger. You’re very kind, thank you.

Absolutely brilliant Fiona and beautifully painted.

What a beauty Fiona- perfect wet on wet! I think it’s more ‘Wesson’ than Wesson I could almost eat it it’s so delicious looking!

A sheer beauty Fiona.

This is great. I've no idea how to do this, but love the result.

Nice work. I particularly like the way you’ve used the paint granulation in the sky, and that hint of a church tower.

Love how loose you've painted it.

My thanks Paul, Coral, Rachel (lol) Chris, Lewis, Andrew, Ross, Val for you kind and thoughtful feedback, always appreciated.

Very moody and exciting, Fiona!

Beautifully done Fiona.

This is excitingly impressive. Love your wet in wet technique with those lovely patches of white and the sky is amazing Fiona.

I'm sure Mr Wesson would love it!

Love this Fiona - I went for a similar looking walk this afternoon! I love the palette you have used.

I really like it, amd I like the sky!!

Lovely soft misty effect.

I really like your dramatic sky Fiona! I also like your wet in wet technique; makes for a super painting.

A super painting

Absolutely superb, Fiona!

Fascinating and impressive Fiona. You make watercolour look easy!

Love it… a touch of Wesson in places, and just my style… fast and loose, but In control.

Excellent. Your Wesson exercises are working well Fiona.

Shirley, Denise, Carole, Spencer, Sarah, Valerie, Sarah, Sandra, Karen, Anne, Thalia, Tessa Alan, George…..thank you all ever so much for your encouraging and supportive comments.

Gloriously wet!

Hi Fiona, Thanks very much on the information about the palette you used - I love it! Will look into Old Holland paints too - have seen their oils but not watercolours - didn't even know they made them!! Thanks again.

A wonderful technique that expresses the 'atmosphere' splendidly.

A lovely loose watercolour Fiona. A great sense of depth and super colours.

So very atmospheric, Fiona. Great!

Thanks Heather! You’re welcome Sarah. It’s my usual palette, not very often I use many more colours….I get all confused if I start using any more than four/five….lol. Graham, David, Mia……many thanks to you.

Sidmouth…..lovely Michael. Hope you find lots of inspiring scenes. I’m really enjoying the Wesson studies, I think it’s loosening my painting up a smidgen. Don’t risk hurting your eye. Thank you for your lovely comment.

Fiona I don't think there is anything left to say except that I think this is brilliant too.

Moody sky and lovely wet in wet work. Its a cracker Fiona.

I love the moody feel to this, with its fast brush work and immediate effects it gives. Lovely Fiona..

Carol, Val, Alan……thank you, you lovely people x

Lovely, brave work Fiona.

Thanks very much stephen.

Thank you very much Brian, appreciate your comment.

Hang on Studio Wall

12”x10” watercolour on Arches. Made a complete mess of the sky, I doubt Mr. Wesson would be impressed with this example. I think it’s Blythborough Church Suffolk. I look forward to this monthly Wesson painting.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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