Leaving the tunnel.


Another great locomotive sketch!!

I often set myself time disciplines Paul, but I always allow a bit of leeway! Love this old steam engine…

Thank you David and Alan for you kind comment. It difficult when your in mid sketch to just stop , it good to know that I’m not the only one to add a bit extra time . Theses sketches are never really accurate but they are great fun todo .

Amazing sketch for such a short time Paul.

Thank you Carole , I think using the 4b pencil and one of those paper blending sticks make it quicker work. Draw darkish line and use the stick to pick up some graphite to shade with , I use a similar technique when I draw horses .

Super work Dixie. Amazing for half-an-hour.

Smashing sketch Paul.

Always good!

Lew, Denise , Heather and Neil thank you for you kind comments.

Great sketch, Paul especially in such a short time and an intricate subject!

A well spent half hour and an excellent sketch of a vintage Engine. I always set a time because I could keep going and spoil what I have done !!! Then again I am open to a bit of leeway !! It's good to be decisive. 😂

Thank you Anne and Richard for your comment they are appreciated. I’m very decisive Richard , that untill I change my mind again. I started doing the fixed time to stop me fiddling at the end of a sketch or painting, has it work , mmmm can’t decide.

It's a good sketch Paul. You've caught that feeling of power and weight of the old steam engine.

Very impressive to do this in just 35 minutes! You've captured the sense of movement very well...

Thank you for taking the time to look and comment Jan.

Great sketch Paul 👌

Super locco Paul!

Thank you Fiona and Faye for your comments.

Great sketch for 35 minutes Paul, I often set a time for mine, but use it only as a guide. The undercarriage here needs at least half an hour, so we’ll done.

Hi Paul, thanks for your kind comment on my paintings - that's very encouraging... your gallery is very good too, and so varied. Merry Christmas!

Thank you Frank and Jan you comments are appreciated. You’re welcome Jan and thank you for your compliment. I would normally take ages just on the wheels and the driving rods etc Frank , quick sketch like this I just get it done and leave error etc.

A super sketch Paul, especially for 35 minutes.

Hang on Studio Wall
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A4 pencil sketch using a 4b pencil , did this a part of my half hour sketches , overran by five minutes. I must be more disciplined to stop on time even if it not quite finished.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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