Fading paintwork


Love it Paul! Watercolour technique’s beautiful

Good painting Paul. Like the palette you’ve used.

Very nice, love the blueish theme 👌👍👌👍

I also like the blues, limited palette.

Really lovely use of the watercolour Paul, good work 👍😀

Love it Paul. Keeps history going, these paintings of old vehicles. 👍

In a way leaving some areas less worked increases the focus on the old truck. But whatever...I like this very much.

Good work Paul, full of interest and nostalgia!

Limited colours work veyr well. Lovely use of tones with good scale and perspective.

Thank you all for your much appreciated comments, they are very encouraging.

This has worked very well, Paul, a lovely result and attractive colours..

Good one Paul

Lovely painting of this old truck old truck Paul, brings back memories of when I was a kid and the coal merchant at the end of our street had a truck just like your painting.

Lovely characterful painting Paul.

Really like the way your use of colour focuses the attention on the cab. Well done.

The King of Vintage Paul. Great blues.

Cold and nice. Cools me down in this hot weather.

Thank you all for your very kind comments. I really enjoyed painting this and it was @ bit of a new venture for me. Robert I too remember them as a kid and in the mid60s I had the chance to drive one in the army before move to the RAF. Not sure about the king of vintage Richard, more the lucky jester , but thank you the the great complement.

Your decision to focus on the cab of the truck has worked out wonderfully Paul. It pulls your attention to the important part, which I may say, is pretty darn good. I especially like how you have mixed the washes on the wheel arches.

Thank Fiona, I am quite pleased with it, which is an unusual thing for me to say. I was really good fun to do, and quite relaxing, I was a bit worried that might fall flat.

Hang on Studio Wall

30.5x21.5 watercolour paper. Old truck stored in a barn. I have deliberately b not developed some areas , as I’m interested in seeing the results of less focused work. Thank you to those on the forum for their support and advice.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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