Steam tugs


Interesting style of painting Paul, carefully constructed and an excellent piece.

Thank you very much for you comment Alan.

I like this, Dixie. Great composition and I like the way you've treated the sea. (And, of course, those wonderful old tugs.)

Excellent composition and very interesting detail.

Lew and Stephen thank you for the your comments there are much appreciated. I try to get as much detail in as I can without overdoing it. Old boat’s , old trucks and car’s are very much my thing Lew, as you have probably noticed.

Excellent detail Paul and lots of movement in the water.

Nice job here....were you there?

Thank you Fiona and Guy. No Guy I was not there but would love to have been, I made contact with a chap who has a collection of old ship photos and have consent to use them for watercolours etc. I did have a large collection of photos, including ships , aircraft vehicles from when I was in the RAF. They were lost overboard when my packing cases dropped from a ship whilst been transfers to a lighter there now in just of the cost of Gibraltar most likely rotted away.

A great tale Dixie, nothing like a good complex story to enhance a painting!!!

Hang on Studio Wall

Two old steam tugs awaiting a job, I think they where on the Tyne. Small boats with lots of power often not noticed but an essential part of the docks. A4 watercolour that I have had hanging around for some time.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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