Look over the old Rifle Range


Very well painted Paul

You know your landscapes so well Dixie, and they always make me want to be out there walking! Your comments about the sign made me smile, but pretty daft!

Excellent picture Paul.

Excellent Paul, beautifully painted

A lovely painting Paul .... makes me want to get out my hiking boots.

I want to be there going for a hike or a picnic.

A lovely painting - love the view you have chosen to paint!

Nice one Paul, lovely view.

Thank you all for your very kind comments I do appreciate them having been in the dumps they have really cheered me up over the last couple of days .

It's lovely and what a great sounding place

A beautifully painted watercolour Paul. The main tree is fabulous.

Heather and Fiona thank you for taking the time to look and comment I really appreciate it.

So busy Paul. A nice pic.

Beautifully painted, Paul, love the simplicity of the recession in it

Well painted Paul, like the depth of recession too

Lovely scene well painted Paul. I like the bare branches x

Thalia, Katy , Trevor and Christine thank you for your kind comments.

A brilliant landscape, Paul. Such delicacy in the trees, great fences and super perspective!

An inviting autumnal scene well painted!

That's very nice; i like it much!

Posted by Tanja G. on Wed 15 Nov 14:20:23

Just spotted this little chap on the top banner… It’s really lovely Paul, great job!

Tanja and Alan thank you for your very kind comments.

Love the view Paul

Thank you Mark and Ross for your kind comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 watercolour on Bockingford rough paper. I scene I know well having spent twelve years working in the woodlands adjoining the old rifle range at Pulpit Hill . The view is from the path leading down and looks across towards High Wycombe, before demolition yiu could see the cooling towers at Didcot on the distant horizon. Unfortunately now attached to the fence is a 5x4 sign post explain g the local flora and fauna but hiding the view.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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