

I like that a lot!!!

Really like this Paul, it’s lovely when something just works!

Excellent piece of therapy work Paul! It’s worked beautifully, as if there was very little effort for such a great result.

Full of drama. I like this a lot. I too am on a bit of a go slow at the moment ....

Thank you David, Katy , Fiona and Gudrun for you kind comment. I feel a bit of a fraud as the paint seemed to have done most of the work by blending so well and flowing into each other .

Really like the watermarks seeping in the washes, great sky Paul.

It's beautiful Paul and you shouldn't feel a fraud because it's very tempting to fiddle with watercolour washes instead of letting them do their magic!

This has worked out really well Paul, has a lovely glow to it.

Great sunset and atmosphere - well done, Paul!

Thank you Carole, Sarah,Denise and Anne for you comments they are very encouraging and appreciated.

There’s a distinct style to this, Paul. And the reflections are done well. It’s so absorbing to watch watercolours mix and merge on the paper, and sometimes a picture can emerge in quite an unplanned way. I hope you enjoyed the relaxation, and what it produced. Nice ‘work’!

Lovely little painting paul

Excellent Paul, I find working in this way often produces the best paintings.

Anne , Faye , Barry and Heather thank you for you very kind comments.

Really good Paul. I think you are right we do need some relaxation between painting and just let things happen as you have done here. Never tried it myself but I will do. Thanks for your advice..

I love the colours in this, so good.

Thank you John and Carrie for you comments. John , I would recommend just playing with the paint and experiment as a form of relaxing, it quite refreshing and does as a side line develop skill etc. I don’t set out to do anything serious just do what seems to build up as I go along.xxx

Great colours and "going with the flow " ! Really works,

Thanks Richard you comment is much appreciated.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 140 lb bockingford rough paper . Did not know what to paint so wet the paper and wen5 for a wet land that seemed to just develop. Done in between paintings for relaxation.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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