Old beech pollard’s


I like the restricted colour on the trees and the view point, looking upwards towards the trees.

This is a lovely painting Dixie. I like the composition where we are looking up the hill and beyond through the trees, also the long narrow view. It really works well and your knowledge and love of trees stands out.

Really lovely Paul. I especially like the format.

Nice use of this shaped canvas and I like the way you've painted this

Lovely view of the woodland area Paul and beautifully Painted with plenty of detail. I love it.

Super trees well painted, Paul - I always think of them as living sculptures and these certainly are!

Thank you all for your very kind comments they are much appreciated. I to like this format to me it’s made for landscapes, seascapes etc, it a block that is glued around the edge my daughter bought two for me a couple of years ago. I agree Anne the old gnarled tree are a living sculpture, and sculpted by the Rangers and Foresters over many years. I never tire of seeing and working with them. I have just completed my 11th year as a volunteer ranger and have worked between 4 and 5000 hrs.

Great format, suits this so well Paul.

Paul this has turned out beautifully. Love the placement of the trees and the detail of the branches crossing and twisting over one another.

You did this so well Paul

A great result, Dixie.

This is great, Paul. Love the composition and the delicate colour palette.

Thank you Carole, Fiona, George, Lew and Mia for you very kind comments. I cannot take credit for the placement of the trees as they have grown as you see them, I have added small branches etc, The colours of the trees a very much as I see them in life, the green tinge comes from the dampness under the tree where it is often warmer on cold days and cooler in the heat of summer. A beautiful place to be on any day , provided it not to windy beech have a habit of dropping branches or toppling over due to shallow roots and a mass of leaves.

Those trees are full of personality Paul. Love the shapes and way they almost communicate with one another. Great format with this painting Paul.

Lovely, Paul, especially the viewpoint looking up the hill. Very characterful trees, they look like they might suddenly get up and walk away!

That’s a great collection of trees. I find one tree challenging enough but these are all so convincing. I love the way the one on the left takes the eyes across the others.

Thank you Carole, Jenny, and Diana for you kind comments. No matter how many time I see these old trees and other in the woodlands I think the do look like the could get up, and walk. You can see where Tolkien got the idea of the Ents from he lived and worked not far from the Chiltern hills and the ancient woodland around Oxfordshire.

I love the way you laid out the trees, a wonderful painting.

Great trees Dixie going to the skyline.

Thank you for you kind comments Kwok and Richard.

Lovely painting and thanks for the explanation, Paul

Hang on Studio Wall
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Watercolour on 7.9x19.7 140 lbs panorama block. Old beech pollard’s in the Chilterns. Some of these old tree can reach 200- 300 hundred years old , the shapes are develop by the pollarding process. Pollard’s are the same as coppiced tree but cut about Shoulder height to prevent grazing by deer and in days gone by cattle. As most woods are no longer coppiced every ten or so years the result is the very large multi trunked trees.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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