Bandits at 5 o’clock


Wow, lovely painting Paul great details in the planes, very clever. Gill

Excellent composition and painting. I have always liked the character of a Hurricane over the more streamlined Spitfire.

Paul that's brilliant, I love the perspective you have created and especially the plane at the top ready to take off in a different direction gives it a sense of real movement. Terrific work!!

Action packed ! Great detail and well done Paul.

This is really good, Paul, full of movement, especially the way the top plane is peeling away from the rest.

Great composition and senses of depth Paul.

Thank you all for your kind comments, I was nervous about posting it as to me there are mistakes that stop me from seeing the complete painting. I like the majority of people post our paintings and value comments, more so when they praise our work. I am encouraged to attempt more aircraft paintings but not so many at once.

Oh wow this is an absolute triumph Dixie, saw this developing in the forum. The composition, the details the hint of far away lanscape works so well.

Love this line and wash type of approach.

It would have been a mistake not to post it Dixie it’s an excellent painting.

Super Paul ! Agree with the peeling away comment re movement.

Thank you all for you very positive comments, they are appreciated and very encouraging. I’m still amazed at how we all only see the negatives in our work, anyway who wants to be perfect.

Excellent, love the idea layout 👍👌👍👌😊

Very skillful and unique

Great composition Paul, nice one

Fantastic, Dixie! I love the composition with the end Plane dropping away. Such detail too.

Love this, what great work and prospective.

Thank you all for the very kind comments, it great to have comments that are encouraging.

Evocative of days gone by, wonderful.

A lovely piece full of atmosphere. ( Thank you for your very kind comment - I will email you soon)

In painting there is a saying "Values do all the work and colour gathers the credit". It's the same with Hurricanes in WW2, they did most of the work and the Spits got the credit! I love aeroplanes and often ogle the paintings of the aeronautical artists. Keep painting!

Thank you all so much for your kind comments. You are correct Keith the Hurricane was the work horse and did more damage to the enamel than the Spit. Bit like a horse really the sleeker race stallion is moe admired, but the work horse plods on longer.

Hang on Studio Wall

A3, watercolour of a flight of Hawker Hurricanes about to dive to starboard. This is the most challenging painting I’ve ever done , due mainly to my lack of hand control. I’ve never tried such painting of aircraft before. I have deliberately painted the aircraft trying to reflect how worn out they would be during combat situation on a daily basis. I was not about posting it as there are some bits I’m unhappy with.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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