Learning from Turner


Very nice Alan. Love the colours.

Very impressive Alan, and it must be quite exciting for you to paint in a specifically different style?

I call him The Daddy of them All. Thank you for your comments yesterday; I hope to paint the 4th and 5th for the charity exhibition today.

Turneresque indeed Great colors

Absolutely superb, Alan and how wonderful to emulate this great artist!!

Beautifully painted Alan.

Thanks guys… it is of course an impossible task to emulate this great artist, but you can learn from him - that’s what my feature is about.

Nice work Alan, and you can see the source immediately.

Love the soft approach and sense of distance.

Definitely can see the source of inspiration, good one Alan

You have the style Alan.

Lovely soft feel here 🙂

Lovely Turneresque sketch, I'm looking forward to reading your article.

Lovely painting and one can learn from the old Masters, especially by applying pigments and shows contrasts and light ...interesting how the colours emerge differing from bold to lighter shades and blend too...well done Alan!

wow, this is stunning!

Posted by Tanja G. on Tue 14 Mar 12:33:04

So, so good Alan. You get so close to the palette and representation of the great man. Looking forward to your feature and learning.

I think you’ve added your own little bit of “ you” , bottom right. I like that. The rest is Turner indeed.

Wonderful Alan - I love the seemingly simple approach Turner had - such expression in deceptively simple pieces.

I love the simplicity of this, Alan. However, the simplistic ones are harder to paint, you’ve captured ‘the master’.

Thanks again guys, such a great master to learn from!

Love this Alan!

Hang on Studio Wall
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I’ve recently written an article for The Artist magazine which will be published in the July edition, discussing the sketch book drawings and watercolour sketches of this great artist - I’ve been delving into his working practice and techniques, and given helpful information about sourcing similar papers and paints to those which Turner used in his day. My version of one of his works on Two Rivers Turner Grey handmade paper 11x15in

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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