Loch Assynt and Ardvrek Castle, Sutherland.

Loch Assynt and Ardvrek Castle, Sutherland.

Slurpppp! Gorgeous rich, thick paint, the textures and forms sculpted to reflect the life in the landscape in which, however impressive the castle is, it can&#39;t compete with the rock formations and light. <br /><br />Imagine living in Ardvrek in the depth of winter, by the way .... you&#39;d want a lot more than a kilt....

I recently did a watercolour of this scene but never got around to posting it. I&#39;m glad because it would look so tame and boring against your powerful interpretation of the place. Fantastic texture and colour.

Thank you Robert and Val. Yes, Robert, I agree with you, the castle was never meant to be the main focus of the painting, nothing could overshadow those mountains.<br /><br />Val, thank you, that&#39;s really lovely of you, don&#39;t forget, this is oil, and I throw it on quickly and thick in places, it will always overpower a watercolour visually. Let&#39;s have a look at it please and stop comparing, we all have our own style, remember that.

Great dramatic scene Alan powerfully painted and superb contrast

Absolutely fabulous…your light on the water is so dramatic. Love this Alan!

I&#39;ve driven past this scene many times Alan, in all seasons and weathers but I&#39;ve never seen it look quite like your interpretation. The real thing pales in comparison to your magnificent impression! Amazing!

Thank you Dennis, Sarah and Fiona, Fiona, you are so privileged to have such wonderful landmarks near you.

Dramatic Alan love that powerful sky.

Wowee! This is why art can be so exciting. Everyone&#39;s interpretations can be so different. That&#39;s what&#39;s it&#39;s all about. I love those chunky bits of paint. Slurpppp! as Robert has said.

Great sky and light Alan, your paintings certainly demand attention!

Well, thank you all again for some encouraging comments, this painting is heading across the border to Fiona, she tells me that she has plenty of attic space!

What drama you have managed to convey here, Alan. Magestic.

It&#39;s the marks which I find so exciting and so well placed - another winner Alan.

Thanks, Sharron and Michael, much appreciated comments from you both.

Fantastic light and the thick paint gives a wonderful flowing texture to the painting.

Thank you Thea, I&#39;t&#39;s my favourite medium at the moment, watercolours have taken a back seat for a while.

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on canvas 24 x 30''. I couldn't resist having a go at this fabulous vista, what a wonderful place to visit for inspiration. This is my interpretation of the scene with some details left out.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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