WIP Commission in Watercolour.

WIP Commission in Watercolour.

I think this is a great idea Alan, giving us an insight into the planning and execution of your work, especially something of this size. There is already a great deal of work involved. Good luck!

Lovely composition Alan and with the sketches a good strong idea

Looking forward to see it finished!

This is very draughtsmanlike Alan and I know you'll loosen it up as you go along.

There's nothing like a commission to get us painting is there Alan? I could do with one at the moment as I just can't seem to get going. From experience I know that I'll get started eventually but how I envy you doing this and it's coming along a treat. Particularly interesting, as well as seeing your progress, is the fact that you're having it printed up in such a large size and it's going to hang in a London pub. I'm trying not to turn green with envy now..LOL. Seriously, hope all goes well with it (which I know it will) and as well as seeing the work in progress, I'd love to see a photo the painting once finished in situ. When in London, I might even go for a drink or two and take a look! Good luck :)

I've got one commision on at the moment but nothing along this scale - looks so interesting and looking forward to seeing it develop.

Can't wait to see the final painting Alan, looks so exciting :)

Quite an undertaking Alan, very interesting to see how you tackle something like this. I remember reading an old Roland Hilder book how he tackled a large watercolour of a stately home, bit of an eye opener, to see all his prep work. Like the others I would like to see the finished work and as Louise says to see it in situ.

Thank you all, I&#39;m far from pleased with it so far, but have made some progress this morning concentrating on the tallest buildings and making them my focal point.<br /><br />This style is not easy at this scale, but I will give it my best shot, a 6&#39; oil canvas would have been much easier, but this is what my client wants. I will post today&#39;s progress later today.<br /><br />Louise, thank you, and I do hope inspiration comes your way soon, I have just had 3 or 4 days off myself, just to regroup and get the enthusiasm back - I hope it&#39;s worked...

Great to see all the process&#39;s involved, and also great to see the encouragement and moral support given by this band of merry painters. I like everyone else are sure it will be a success, and really look forward to the finished project.

Thanks Alan, it is always interesting to see how an artist works and we can learn so many things. I woul have thought the plants would have been the last detail of the painting. I look forward the next step.

This work in progress would make a very interesting feature in one of the Artist magazines. I for one would be very interested to see it&#39;s progression, colours used etc. The fact that you tint your paper at the start is interesting which makes me think that you then use white gouache for the whites. Do you pencil in the verticals or just go straight in with the brush (&#39;straight&#39; being the operative word..) You see, what a good read it would make! My theory is that you don&#39;t get unless you ask, if you&#39;re enthusiastic about the idea that is. I&#39;m off to tint some paper now.. LOL

Thank you Andre, Cesare and Louise, yes Louise, it would be interesting, I am in the process of putting a similar type of project to Sally as we speak, I just need to make it interesting enough, so fingers crossed.<br /><br />On smaller sizes I go straight in with the rigger, but for this one I did some prep work first and drew some faint horizontal and vertical lines in pastel pencil to help keep me on the straight and narrow so to speak. Some of the lines are still visible but I will leave them in as part of the piece.

Hang on Studio Wall

London Skyline from Shooters Hill. 22 x 30'' Full Imperial watercolour board. Made a start on the final leg of this commission, having worked up some sketches and done an oil sketch. This will eventually be digitally printed 6 foot wide as part of a revamp in a London pub. Client wants loose style as per one of my POL postings some time ago, so all freehand and with a rigger brush to start with. Plenty left to do...

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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