Orchard Farm and the Wrekin, Shropshire.

Orchard Farm and the Wrekin, Shropshire.

Yes, it's definitely of interest, Alan. This one is quite serene, with little blue compared to your recent works.

This might be very different from you usual style but I certainly wouldn't call it a horror Alan. It evokes a feeling of calmness and tranquility though I will admit to preferring your more exuberant colourful style. Sorry if I've missed some of your paintings but I haven't logged on to POL for a while.

You are too hard on yourself Alan - I think this one is smashing, brightly lit tranquil countryside perfectly framed by the dark vegetation in the foreground.

Far from a horror - its a great study and complements your usual palette so well.

This is beautiful, Alan, altough far from your current style. I look forward to see others. If you mail to me your photo I try to made your portrait.

Far from being a horror, most of us would give an arm and a leg to paint like this. Not your usual style., but Mondrian produced some beautiful stuff, before his allergy to green and his refocused style. Looking forward to the next one.

It is still of great interest and skillful technique Alan, showing signs then of becoming the clever painter you are. Roll them in for our delight

Far too self critical Alan. It captures an air of tranquility and what's wrong with that.

Would not have guessed it was yours Alan. Totally different but I still find this quite good!

Arrhh!!! Only joking Alan....I can still see a 'Bickley' in there and I like the mood of it very much. Very different from your recent style but it still has your high level of accomplishment. Looking forward to seeing the next one!

Different certainly but very skilful as always Alan.

I really like it as well Alan and isn't it interesting to see how much your style of working has changed. I have to add though that as much as I like this, I prefer your latest!

It's a lovely tranquil scene to look at Alan and you have used really beautiful greens!

Love this landscape. Gentle sky and dramatic shapes. I think we have every freedom to produce whatever work we like, and not feel any obligation when we pick up our brushes.

It's got the Bickley brush strokes. Very contained, apart from the branch with its distinct look breaking in. It's still full of energy and certainly not a horror!

I really like these pieces, Alan. You may be using traditional colors, but the approach is very fresh and contemporary.

Well I like it Alan! The contrasts are great and there is a good feeling of depth here too.

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on canvas 24 x 30'', painted en-plein-air summer of 2014. I found a couple of these 'pretty oils', lurking in the back of a cupboard. Not my usual MO and probably never will be again, but I thought they may be of interest, as I rarely paint blue skies and green grass, and I hope never to again. The other horror will be aired tomorrow, if you can wait that long...

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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