Luxor Temple.

Luxor Temple.

Alan what a talent you can do anything with skills and mastery. Bravo sir

Incredible intensity of colours Alan, I can feel the heat. The figures and trees give a great sense of must be a magnificent sight.

That beautiful intense blue makes this really stand out Alan. Figures are just right, light catching the monolith at the top...everything working very well. Excellent!

A beautiful blending of colours, Alan and you have portrayed the contrasting heat, and the cool shadows superbly.

Such a vibrant use of colour - I only get anrywhere near this with acrylic ink - and certainly not with watercolours. Great stuff Alan

Thank you everyone for your kind comments, Michael, you have to be bold and just go for it, this subject particularly needed the very deep blue sky and the warm contrast of the temple.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour on Turner Blue paper 11 x 15''. Further afield tonight with this effort reworked from my sketch books and memory of a visit to Egypt some years ago..

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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