London Skyline, Impression.

London Skyline, Impression.

And what an impression it is, brilliant work Alan. Great recession and I like the touch of greenery in the foreground.

This is a good impressionist work Alan but unfortunately the shape of St. Paul's is all wrong... sorry. Sir Christopher Wren will be squirming.

I agree with Val about the recession, it's superb. Love the mellow tones of the London red brick and even though an impression, your attention to counter change details are there. St. Paul's placed perfectly too! A really super skyline painting Alan.

Excellent Alan - lovely strong colours in the foreground, you make it look so easy

Definitely agree with Val, this is brilliant work Alan.. I love it. it's beautiful. :)

Thank you all for your comments. appreciated.<br />Yes Fred, the dome is a bit out, will rectify that one later, thanks for that...

Looks somewhere near now, I&#39;m happy with that (as an impression)

Fine work Alan which looks in much detail and depth

I see from the comments that you ( like me ) have edited the painting. I can&#39;t help being curious about the first version! This has a very grand and serious feel to it and not just because of the architecture - the palette adds to this. What a topic to do! And very successfully!

I love the moody blue tone to this, and all the details Alan, and as others have already said, the recession works so well to give good depth to the painting. Lovely.

Its a powerful piece Alan the precise shape of buildings is irrelevant to me the painting is beautiful love it .

Super work Alan, I like the feeling of recession withy he distant blues sending those modern buildings well back, allowing us to gaze on the lovely older architecture.

A wonderful impression it is too, a beauty a Alan.

This is out of this world Alan! It&#39;s brilliant!! Truly fascinating!

Yes, brilliant. I am not a St Paul&#39;s Cathedral officionado, but it looks like a dome to me! Splendid and vibrant. I&#39;m with Dennis R. What does it matter? Excellent painting that evokes a &quot;wow&quot; from me. It seems to state the power of London as a city; dynamic and relentless somehow.

Just realised there are more than one Dennis Rs! Roberts!

The buildings have to be accurate for me in this style of work. The capital is always a smashing subject whatever the impression and this works for me Alan.

Magnificent piece, Alan. I worked for a short while near this place, what atmosphere you&#39;ve captured!

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on stretched canvas, 24 x 30''. An impression only of the Capital, with St Paul's as the main feature.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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