Clearing Mist

in the mist

This is great. Love the way you’ve laid the blue over.

I agree. I love a bit of mist and this is very unusual. Like your texture also Fiona.

Thank you Diana and Tessa. I think it's unusual because I hadn't painted for a while!

Oh yes……love what you’ve done here Fiona. The blue is striking.

Terrific! I love all the textures.

Really excellent. I bet you had a lot of fun doing this one.

Terrific action in this one Fiona. great textures, beautifully abstract.

Very good job Fiona!

Very effective, Fiona, love the blue.

Thank you Maureen, Fiona, Skylar, Martin, Willie, Sarah and Jenny. I did enjoy painting.

Very atmospheric and effective.

Superb , I looked at it before reading your description and immediately thought woodlands in mist .

Great use of abstracted colours and shapes Fiona. Love it!

Lovely textures and colours.

Thank you Coral, Chris, Paul, Martin and Ellen. Your comments are always appreciated.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic on paper. Hadn't painted for a couple of weeks but walking my dog among trees and spring flowers in the clearing mist this morning inspired me to pick up paints.

About the Artist
xxFionaxx xxBellxx

Inspired by being out on the moors, fells mountains and coasts of northern England ( the best part of the country!), inspired me to start painting though I had procrastinated for several years. But, I did start in September 2022 during a time of recovery from a leg injury. Now, painting is almost an…

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