

I like the swirling sky colours and the rather magical atmosphere in your painting Diona.

I like the movement in this Fiona and agree there’s something magical about it.

Something very magical in this superb scene , it’s all beautifully done.

Like this with its lovely colour combination and, as others have said, it has a magical quality to it.

Excellent and beautiful too.

Love the textures and the brushwork that move the viewer's eye. Beautifully done.

Hang on Studio Wall

Mixed media on cradled board. 620mm x 450mm.

About the Artist
xxFionaxx xxBellxx

Inspired by being out on the moors, fells mountains and coasts of northern England ( the best part of the country!), inspired me to start painting though I had procrastinated for several years. But, I did start in September 2022 during a time of recovery from a leg injury. Now, painting is almost an…

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