"On the Rocks"


Looks like it was a tough climb Fiona!

Super rocky rocks Fiona.


Love the textures and your brilliant use of knives?

I really like this. The texture is very good! Well done indeed.

Love that sky.

Great atmosphere in this painting Fiona.

Beautiful textures.

Love it.

Super work Fiona, nice mark making!

Thank you for all your comments. They are always very much appreciated.

I love your ability to produce such detail, whilst painting so loose. Great stuff

Thank you for your kind comments David.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic, applied with knife, on paper inspired by a hard climb in the Yorkshire Dales.

About the Artist
xxFionaxx xxBellxx

Inspired by being out on the moors, fells mountains and coasts of northern England ( the best part of the country!), inspired me to start painting though I had procrastinated for several years. But, I did start in September 2022 during a time of recovery from a leg injury. Now, painting is almost an…

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