Early morning Swimmers


That is delightful Rachel.

Love your impasto marks Rachel - it gives the scene a lot of movement as there must have been! Lovely colours too. But rather them than me in February!!

I'm shivering just looking at this Rachel. Lovely bold work.

Sooner you and them than me! I spent the day at home, in the warm, apart from a quick foray for fish and chips - and that was as near to the cold sea as I wished to get. I like the movement you've got here - I'd have been a positive blur, heading for shelter - and your use of thick paint to convey it.

Didn’t you join them Rachel?! Makes my shiver just looking at them……. A terrific snapshot of this madness…….and so wonderfully painted!

Great splash of red amongst the subdued colours.

There is something Turneresque about this. The colours and that brooding sky I think.

Superb - love the sky

Thank you David Thanks Sarah - yes, it was a bit raw…. Thank you Jim Thank you Robert a lovely compliment and Very sensible! Fish and chips sounds a great idea - Now Fiona that would be telling😂 but thank you for a lovely compliment. Thanks Marjorie - yes that was a bit of luck one of the swimmers has a red robe. That’s very generous Sarah, thank you and Richard thank you so much Really kind compliments

How brave or crazy they are.The impasto works well and the red figure adds life to the overall chilliness of the painting Rachel.

What a fantastic painting Rachel! So dynamic. I really love it! Love those colours in the foreground surf.

Beautiful Rachel 😍 can't wait for beach time 💕

Like this a lot Rachel

You were very brave going into that water Rachel - it looks freezing! Love the painting! A dark moody sky, great figures and super textures.

Great Painting Rachel

Fabulous work Rachel!

Superb work and beautifully done.

Love your use of paint in this great painting Rachel.

Thank you so much again for the lovely comments

This is so good Rachel. Admire your courage and perseverance!

Hang on Studio Wall

Had such a lovely day yesterday painting on the beach at Sizewell, it was lovely to be by the sea again. The early morning swimmers were so enthusiastic and chatty and they were great fun to paint whilst getting in and out of the cold North Sea 🥶10 x 8 oil

About the Artist
Rachel Wood

I paint Plein Air, and landscapes are my passion. The changing light, never knowing quite what may happen, searching for a subject, meeting passers by, all add to the excitement and richness of landscape painting. My other passion is playing the violin, occasionally in and around the streets and…

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