The Painter


Brilliant colours Rachel 🙂

Outstanding. So much told in what looks like so few brush strokes.

The atmosphere in this really is exceptional Rachel…could be Monet himself with that hat!

It's wonderful, sounds like a great workshop

Thank you each for such lovely comments-o encouraging! I wish it were just a few brushstrokes Tony - took me ages to get everything into perspective🥵😂

This is really lovely Rachel. Your definitive brushstrokes and purposeful application of colour make this a beautiful painting.

So atmospheric Rachel and your eye is drawn to the light and into the painting

This is so wonderful Rachel.

This is wonderful Rachel. One man facing the enormity of nature.

Again, thank you all for such lovely comments-

A beautiful painting Rachel!

Ahh this is beautiful Rachel and the light 😍

Thank you so much Coral, Fiona and Faye- 🥰🥰

Great work Rachel- the figure blends in so well.

Beautiful impressionistic painting Rachel - really lovely!

And good for you for doing workshops - looks a great thing to so!

Great atmosphere and composition Rachel. Another artist makes a good subject because they stay put and yours looks like they really belong in the landscape. Well done!

Hang on Studio Wall
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Just did a fantastic weekend workshop here in Suffolk- painting subjects completely out of my comfort zone! We covered a lot of ground and did a lot of paintings, which I won’t bore you with - just the one!

About the Artist
Rachel Wood

I paint Plein Air, and landscapes are my passion. The changing light, never knowing quite what may happen, searching for a subject, meeting passers by, all add to the excitement and richness of landscape painting. My other passion is playing the violin, occasionally in and around the streets and…

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