Sketches from my Holiday - Trip on the Ocean Voyager

Sketches from my Holiday - Trip on the Ocean Voyager

You have caught the excitement of the trip very well Thea.

Not dodgy at all, it looks pretty good to me, Thea. You've depicted the speed and the foaming surf very well.

You are a clever lady with your sketches Thea! This looks such a complicated subject to draw but you have done it ever so well. There is speed, the water is bubbling behind the outboards and the sun is shining. Beautiful memory!

Quite a tricky subject I should think but you have accomplished it with your usual panache Thea!

Whilst it's not how I'd ideally like to visit a bay (!) you've certainly managed to evoke the thrills and spills of the ride Thea. How you managed to 'save' those white droplets is beyond me!

souns fantastic and what a lovley lady i think you did a brillant job on this one well done xx

Bravo Thea. A difficult subject but it's all there.... the gulls, the spray and the smell of the sea ! Well almost.....

Lovely story about Ms Stevenson and a really good sketch, love the choppy waters!

What a good holiday you obviously had, productive as well! Good sketch, I like the splashes of well aimed white paint and there's a good sense of choppy water. Three well placed seagulls as well which finish it all off nicely!

Thank you Stephen, Seok and Satu and Christine for such kind comments. I thought the water and the habour wall were very dodgy indeed - but then I am a brutal critic of everything I do - I probably should be a bit more forgiving and constructive?

Thank you very much, Kim. I would love to tell you that I used pure skill to paint round all the white bits, but I have to 'fess up that the white is spatters of gouache. I am rather into spattering in white for some reason so I thought it might produce a foaming water effect here.

Thank you very much Paula, Avril, Debs and Louise - really kind of your to enjoy my sketch. Another holiday one in the pipeline.

Well, it sums the day up nicely. Very good! Mentioning Juliet Stephenson. I think I am right in thinking she dat for the London part of the Sky Portrait thing? I thought the winner of her sittings captured her baautifully. Totally irrelevant to your sketch apart from the actress. Lois wasn't it? I wonder what he is doing. I preferred his style.

Thank you Gudrun - very kind of you. Yes, Juliet Stevenson was the actress that was on the Sky Portrait of the Year. She sat with her son reading a book I think. I liked the painting that she chose to take home - the very colourful one that was done in patches of colour. She really is very sweet although we didn't let on that we had recognised her as she was plainly on holiday with her family and I am sure she just wanted to get on with that in peace without 'fans' bothering her.

Been off the site for a while, but just logged in to say I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing your holiday "journal" - the knights are wonderful ! - and am so impressed by the way you manage to record all these magic moments, despite obviously enjoying the moment in itself as well. Great.

As always, lively, interesting and well produced sketches from Thea.

Fantastic work Thea

I missed this one Thea! What a nice adventure for your family! You've made the boat look very capable and powerful! It must have been amazing doing donuts in it!

Hang on Studio Wall

Sorry - very, very dodgy sketch this time. Lost the plot a bit with it all but never mind, at least I have a record of this exciting trip that my daughter and the grandchildren took on the high speed RIB around Sole Bay. Sadly, I had to stay on terra firma because I have a neck problem and was advised against going on the boat. An added excitement was that Juliet Stevenson, the actress, was one of the passengers on the boat and the skipper gave her the job of looking after my grandson as they needed one adult per child and my daughter had his younger sister to look after (and to stop from being ejected from the boat as it performed donuts!) Juliet S was absolutely lovely with Noah and was a charming person all round. So an exciting afternoon was had by all. Pen and Wash

About the Artist
Thea Cable

I am a watercolourist first and foremost as I love the qualities of the medium, its riskiness and unpredictability. I started painting about 8 years ago and it has now become an integral part of my life. Hopefully, I will continue to paint into my dotage as I am given to understand that you can…

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