

Lovely, bright and cheerful painting, Sharon. (P.S. Thank you for you comment on the latest Ironbridge sketch. However, I have deleted it as looking at it on the screen made me dislike it even more, I'm afraid. That one will have to stay in the sketchbook and preferable out of sight! I am going to post the last one which I like a lot better)..

Fantastic painting and with no underdrawing - very brave. I like it a lot

I think you are very brave, Sharon, about the absence of drawing first. Beautiful painting!

Thanks Thea, Joseph and Mia - I don't know about brave, more like reckless! But just sometimes the unprepared, spur of the moment things work better than the over-thought out compositions.

A lovely piece, with much immediacy and lovely, clear washes. Super work!

Thanks Seok for your nice comment, glad you like it/

Hang on Studio Wall

These tulips and ranonkles were beckoning from the vase - just couldn't resist the fiery colours. No drawing, just a quick impression on a rather large piece of paper I had lying around. Painted on Fabriano Artistico NOT 300gsm, 40x50

About the Artist
Sharon Van Der Veen

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