A Corner of Lake Louise (Watercolour on Khadi Heavyweight Rough paper approx 10" x 14")

A Corner of Lake Louise

I really like this Bob

A really good landscape, love the colours.

Thank you Heather and Paul for your kind comments. I was wondering whether to put in a couple of Loons in the water, but after doing a couple of cutouts of the birds and moving them around, decided that they detracted from the overall view, so left them out in the end.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is the watercolour done after the sketch that I last posted. The colours were mostly W&N Artists tubes. A limited palette was used of Cobalt, Ultramarine and Cerulean blues, Winsor Violet, Hookers Green, Yellow Ochre, Warm Sepia, Permanent Rose , Cadmium Red ( very little) and W&N Lemon Yellow which is Nickel Titanate, a muted, quite opaque cool yellow, Neutral Tint and Titanium White (very little). Spring had arrived, with snow where there was little sun on the slopes during daylight hours.

About the Artist
Bob Biggart

I'm an amateur artist who started to paint in watercolours about 1990, when I found that the watercolours I admired in galleries were way beyond my price range. My thinking was that in time I might be able to produce paintings that I could hang on my wall at home, and be happy with. At theā€¦

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