Fort Albert from Colwell Bay slipway

Fort Albert from Colwell Bay slipway

I'm sure your brother will love this painting - what a lovely gift...

I've had a very lean spell of late Robert and was actually contemplating giving up painting altogether. I don't see much from you of late but for different reasons I suspect, however, always a pleasure to see your controlled work, in sharp contrast to my 60 minute daubs of colour but I am unable to concentrate for longer periods and become bored. Keep the spirit's up... in more ways than one and I do hope that you are well and that the old eyesight op has been a success.

Another lovely piece Robert, nice to know the background info.

I've already commented on this piece Robert but just to thank you for your recent comments, I do appreciate them. Abersoch has hardly changed over the year's, a few more Porsche's perhaps, it always was up-market. We had a caravan on a little sight, well, my parent's did so I got to know it very well and it is an artist's haven. Sadly the caravan went when my Father passed away, wish I'd kept it now. I posted a much better work in the week of the pier at Sandown, right on your doorstep and as I told you before, my Grandparents lived on the Island, would love to go back sometime but it's the travelling these days. Hope that you are keeping well, I read most of your comments on the forum which are generally of interest to me, it is such a pity that we don't have a few more contributor's, but we can't force them to write. Alan

Hi Robert.. in reply to your comments on my painting "chuc, hope it gives a little more info.. church amongst the fury", i have added a comment in an attempt to explain the lack of perspective applied.. hope this adds a little more info you can read this on my site under the asaid painting.. David Wilkes

Hang on Studio Wall

The other painting for my brother's birthday, and sorry this is a poor photograph, but I had to rush to finish it and photograph it in time. No rat in this one: no self-respecting rat would be seen in the sea (not a brown rat, anyway). Fort Albert is a Victorian construction, and was one of several; its shell is preserved, while the interior has been converted into flats. Acrylic, ca. 12" x 16".

About the Artist
Robert Jones, NAPA

Born November 18th 1950. Former party political agent, former chairman of housing association. Has worked as a volunteer with the NHS since 2000, painting seriously for the last ten years, sporadically for the last 50. Member, National Association of Painters in Acrylic from October 2015

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