Black Poppy, edited. No one shall be forgot.

Black Poppy edited.

It's great Denise and a fitting reminder.

The red poppy is a universal symbol. It reminds us that within every man our blood is of the same colour. That is the significance of the red poppy. I mean no offense but a field of red poppies does more to unite the world in brotherhood. I remember all those who died in the wars and the red poppy reminds us that we are all of the same race. human. Like I said I mean no offense. I mean well.

Thanks Diane and Jaqueline. Sometimes art can bring about some emotion, no offence taken Michael. I'm glad you took the time to look at it and give an opinion..

Lovely work.

I like this take on Remembrance Day

This is a super tribute, Denise. Beautiful strong colour contrast: red against the dark background!

This brilliant Denise. The poppies are painted really well.

I love this, Denise. Obviously painted with a lot of feeling and it shows.

Very thoughtful and appropriate at this time Denise, also nicely painted.

Thanks for all your kind comments Jenny, Heather, Mia, Dixie, Tim and Tessa.

I cant believe you had never painted before last April. The idea and execution is so well thought out.

Thanks Val-Irene, I can't believe how I have taken to it. I rush to get my chores done so I can paint. It's become the most important part of the day for me. Thanks Gudrun.

A great tribute Denise and a striking painting.

Beautifully edited Denise, well thought out and added to. I like the ghostly silhouettes of the soldiers.

Imaginative. Sensitive use of colour and tones. Very nice.

Thank you for your comments Katy, Fiona and Michael, very kind.

Thank you Romila.

Thanks very much Dennis.

Hang on Studio Wall

An early painting I did a few months ago. Black and red poppies representing the communities that came together to fight as one and a purple poppy to remember the animals lost.

About the Artist
Denise Cat

My name is, Denise. I started painting at the end of April during the Covid lockdown 2020. I’ve never painted before or had any experience of doing any art. I walked into a shop, bought some watercolours and have been trying to teach myself. I have pain conditions and had to retire early last year…

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