Modelling new specs


Beautiful colourful portrait Marjorie, the specs suit her well.

A beautiful portrait, watercolour at its best.

Excellent Marjorie, your daughter pops off the page in this painting

A great portrait Marjorie, I love the loose way you have painted her hair.

A superb portrait Marjorie. I find good watercolour paper will take a bit of bashing about.

It's beautiful, she's beautiful!

Beautiful watercolour portrait Marjorie

Absolutely gorgeous in all respects Marjorie. I like Arches, as you mentioned it’s great for lifting out colour, I’ve even stuck it under the tap to erase bits.

Lovely work Marjorie.I like how you’ve managed to capture the shadow of the glasses on her cheek.

Beautiful work.

Good choice, and lovely portrait. Interesting info on the paper too.

Beautifully done, Marjorie, the texture of the watercolour paper adds interest.

A beautiful watercolour portrait!

This looks effortless and light. Lovely portrait - full of movement too!

A beautiful portrait!

Wonderful. You make painting specs look easy, but we know otherwise! Another gem Marjorie.

Just brilliant Marjorie.

A beautiful pose and watercolour Marjorie. Love the shadows of the specs and the colours you have used.

This is superb Marjorie, a beautiful and vibrant portrait.

Lovely natural painting. It is great paper. Very tough and forgiving

The paper texture adds so much to this fine portrait. Unique!

Wonderful portrait, Marjorie -quite sensitive, she'll be pleased with this and maybe the glasses too.

Another lovely portrait.

Lovely portrait Marjorie. Looks almost effortless, texture very effective.

A fine portrait in watercolour, deserves all the positive comments.

Thanks again for all the kind remarks Peter, Willie, David, Roger and Jiri.

Beautiful daughter and beautiful watercolor, Marjorie. Maybe the paper is too rough.

Maybe, Cesare…the texture shows up more in this photo.

Hang on Studio Wall

Trying out new watercolour paper - Arches Cold Pressed, fine grain. It’s beautiful! I made lots of revisions and was able to wash out mistakes very easily. It takes quite a bit of a bashing. My daughter when she was deciding on reading glasses. Can’t remember if she chose these.

About the Artist
Marjorie Firth

Still Life, seascapes and portraits are my favourite subjects. I paint whatever takes my fancy, am self-taught and, from time to time, attend short courses. I paint in a variety of media, oils are my favourite. I enjoy the challenge of entering the monthly POL competitions and have exhibited 5 times…

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