Which is your favourite?


Oil on mountboard, forgot to say.

Marjorie I absolutely love this! It’s well painted, witty, and a subject close to my heart, I like sweeties. Lol My order of scoffability is.....black, orange, green, red and yellow! What’s your favourite? Brilliant!

Beautiful painting, love the subject

Green....bite off head first. Lovely to see you posting Marjorie.

Hi Marjorie this is nice. And I'm a black lover. Lol

Very different Marjorie. Love the texture you have achieved on the little chaps. Enjoy the sharp taste of the green ones.

Hey, I'm glad you're all as daft as me! Mmm... green and red for me but I won't turn my nose up at any of them.

Thanks Fiona, Romila, Sylvia ( you're a rottweiler Sylvia! ), Dennis and Carole.

Great subject for a painting, Marjorie! Very amusing... my favourite's orange :)

Fabulous - made me smile - and a great painting as well.

Any will do lovely Marjorie

Well this is something different Marjorie! None actually, but what a super oil painting.

Thanks all - two surprises, orange from Jan and none (??) from Alan, no sweet tooth Alan?

I have but it’s doctors orders Marjorie! And it includes alcohol... cruel but necessary.

Brilliant and so very different, haven't had a jelly baby in ages, went through a phase of buying jelly beans, no colour preference, like them all 🍬🍬🍬

Commiserations Alan - and Linda, If you start on them you can't stop ( from one who knows ).

This is fabulous Marjorie, mmm black for me but any one if you're offering?

Haven’t had one for ages but think I’m an orange or yellow sort of person! Great idea beautifully done Marjorie, especially the sherbetty look ( is there such a word!?) .

Very amusing subject, Marjorie and beautifully painted.

Black. Nuff said....(-:

At last! After the months we've had, we seem to agree that we like jellybabies......but we might come unstuck again when we decide on the favourite. Thanks again for the amusing comments.

I keep coming back to this Marjorie, can’t stop looking at it. Mainly because you’ve captured the jelly babies so well, the sugar coating, the stance....ready to topple over....it’s so good. It may also be the fact that now I’ve seen this, I’m drooling over jelly babies! My husband has just gone out and I’ve told him not to return if doesn’t come bearing a bag, or box, of jelly babies...lol. I’m seduced.

Brilliant painting, and great fun I’ve always preferred the green and black ones.

Love this. Such a Wonderful piece to keep everybody smile.

And Fiona, there's no FATS in them! ( we won't mention the s*g*r) Thanks Paul and Yoko - do you think I'll be put on a retainer for jbabies?

You must have painted this really quickly then! Look juicy.

Ha ha Gudrun - yes, in anticipation!

Definitely the orange one . Brilliant

Thanks Tracy, I'm trying to resist the temptation to buy more. Got to be good from now on.

Hang on Studio Wall

Jellybabies - I love them! Thought I'd paint them before they all disappear. Have you a favourite flavour.

About the Artist
Marjorie Firth

Still Life, seascapes and portraits are my favourite subjects. I paint whatever takes my fancy, am self-taught and, from time to time, attend short courses. I paint in a variety of media, oils are my favourite. I enjoy the challenge of entering the monthly POL competitions and have exhibited 5 times…

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