Wet land and Cotton. Acrylic

Wet land and Cotton. Acrylic

I love the way you have painted the cotton, with just enough, and not too much, detail.

Thank you Dennis and Margorie for those great comments, much appreciated.

I agree with Marjorie, the cotton grass is perfectly done. There are some lovely contour shadows and highlights on the ground giving the impression of undulating grassland. A smashing piece Malcolm.

Thank you Fiona, glad you like it.

Hang on Studio Wall

This was a strech of wet land in Ireland just as the Bog Cotton was starting to show, the little groves of stunted willow made interesting showings in the landscape.

About the Artist
Malcolm Buckley

I have always loved the outdoors and have climbed and walked in various places in the world, after giving numerous slide shows and talks about my trips to raise money for charity, i realised the slides and photos did not do what i saw justice, so I decided to start trying to paint. I am self taught…

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