Gossip Girls

Gossip Girls

What an imagination!! I love it. Your gallery is so varied Louise, and that's wonderful. I may have said that before...no matter...I can't say it often enough.

Wicked expressions Louise .

Undoubtedly,unmistakably a Louise treat. Love it. (-:

Super colouring on this piece Louise. What came to mind as I viewed this piece was three witches from Macbeth. As Sylvia says wicked expressions. Lol

Love the way you have done this Louise

Many thanks Lewis, Sylvia, Jim, John and Dennis. for such nice comments :) Lewis, I find it hard to stick to the same subject or style of painting. Always watercolour though which I love using. I've never tried oils or acrylic which is one of my regrets. I don't think I could now. They'd certainly scare off any crows Jim ..LOL Dennis, the hard bit was not splashing the paint on the white background :)

Translucent, a modern stained glass window.

Many thanks Marjorie :)

This is lovely Louise

Love this; long as they are not part of a coven ....

Didn't recognise this as being one of yours - great use of a varied palette - congrats.

Thanks Derek, Gudrun and Michael :)

Did you see what she was wearing? Yes, looked awful! That came into my mind when I saw the expressions on these ladies faces. Great drawing Louise as always.

Marjorie said stained glass window and that's exactly what I thought when I saw this Louise. I knew it was yours straight away.

Super. Humour and style...top!

Posted by T H on Thu 11 Jan 18:50:38

Really like this. You have wonderful imagination Louise.

Thanks Satu, Marjorie and Timothy. Comments appreciated and we've all been there Satu..lol

I would hate to be the centre of their attention Louise, they look as though they mean business! You always get the overlaying of colour washes right....never any mud! I’m envious! Lol

Interesting work - great colours, Louise

Beautiful composition, Louise, lovely colours.

They're at it again these girls!

Hang on Studio Wall

A reworked watercolour. 38 cm x 29 cm

About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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