

Not a self portrait then Kim? LOL. Wonderful painting, you've conveyed the strength and physical effort so well.

Super watercolour Kim, full of energy, I think I will keep to my brisk walks!

Brilliant, love it.

Great image, agree with Louise about the way you have made it so physical, with the sheer weight and size of the boulder, and the muscular effort involved. Awesome.

The colours that you have used to show the strength in his muscles are absolutely fantastic. The painting is oozing with power, sweat and pure determination. I love it Kim!

I'm glad you like it Louise (no, not quite my physique!), Stephen, Karyl, Sharon and Satu. I'm disappointed that many of the colour shades have been 'lost in translation' (the Viridian is invisible). No matter, it still conveys the gist. You can do this sport at all levels, no need to be superwo/man.

Superb work, Kim - absolutely brimming with movement, strength and exertion, all beautifully portrayed.

I feel his pain!! Wonderful work Kim.

Fantastic work Kim.

Shucks - just when I thought I was getting to grips with watercolour, you go and post this magnifcent painting!! Your use of watercolour is nothing short of genius in this and I love the feeling of effort, desperation, strength and danger that this painting conveys. Bravo for this one, Kim.

I can see the strain in the body posture and movement Kim. Aren't they brave!

I love how you paint intense hues and contrasts at the focal points and then subdued colours surrounding this to create even greater contrast and your exaggerated use of blues in the shadows is inspirational. An extremely dynamic and superbly painted watercolour which I think is on of your best so far.

Debs, Gudrun, Seok, Val, Thea, Carole and Joseph: I'm very grateful indeed for your feedback and somewhat humbled by the praise. You smooch about for a week or so, unable to find a subject to turn you on, and then you stumble across something with 'capability' and recognize it immediately. My 'boulderer' will be part of an exhibition I've been invited to set up next month on the occasion of "MellloBlocco" - the biggest international bouldering festival in the world, attracting thousands of mainly young people from all over the globe to try their hands (and feet) on rock in the Val di Mello, an oasis in the mountains 100 km north of Milan. My show's called "AcquaMello" - cheesy wordplay on 'Acquarello'. Hmmmm....!

Good luck with your exhibition Kim, I know this painting will be very popular.

It's all been said...... but doesn't stop me from adding "Absolutely brilliant"! And you let the water and pigments do all the work for you ....... well perhaps not all ! Best of luck with the exhibition.

Smashing capture of strength and dificulty, but the shadows under the feet, to me, give the impession he is supported rather than suspended. Please correct me if I see it wrong, which is quite often.

Thanks Kim. I can see it now.

Hang on Studio Wall

OK, you've seen 'Abseiling', now for 'Bouldering'. This is a glorious sport in which you climb rocks and boulders without the use of any equipment whatsoever, just hands and feet. The boulders are seldom more than 10-15 feet high, and if (when) you come off you are caught by friends (and a so-called crash mat). It's as much a mental discipline as a physical one and wonderfully democratising - requiring no financial outlay, just concentration and..... trustworthy friends!

About the Artist
Kim Sommerschield

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