The Thursday War

Thursday war - Lo-Res

Beautifully painted, and quite apt as it VE Day tomorrow. You certainly have the ships looking like they are moving along at speed.

Thanks Paul. The hardest part was trying to capture the hazy emissions from the funnel and the sparky light on the sea. But also I thought it was interesting to observe the way that the Navy still uses telegraphic light signals in this digital age - the old ways are the best I guess!

Really good Tim

I like this a lot - I am not a very warlike person, but have always admired the lines of warships (even the Scharnhorst....). And this being painted with knowledge really shows.

Hang on Studio Wall

‘The Thursday War’ is based on sketches/photographs created during my sea-time on board HMS Illustrious in September 2012 of the training exercise I observed from the bridge. HMS Montrose and St Albans are signalling to each other while trying to protect RFA Orangeleaf in the English Channel and dodging the incoming "missile" (a Hawk T1 jet from RNAS Culdrose) while it was rumoured that a sub was out there too.

About the Artist
Tim O'Brien

I am a full-time artist, author and tutor. During my 39-year art career I have enjoyed working with a broad range of clients and subject matter (Landscapes, architecture, animals to transport - ships, cars and aerospace), having started out as a Commercial Artist in the world of advertising &…

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