Cape Wrath

Cape Wrath

Superb painting,I like this a lot.

Thanks Paul, it was one of those paintings where you get fired with inspiration having been there and felt that you must record it. Seeing the various ships against such a rugged coastline, I imagine war artists in the Falklands War must have seen similar scenes.

Love the distance. Great atmosphere.

Wow, love the minimal colour palette and the sense of light

A beautiful light on the water.

Very effective painting. I love the limited palette you’ve used.

Love the palette, an excellent painting in all respects Timothy.

Hang on Studio Wall
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An oil painting based on a view I witnessed from the quarter-deck of HMS Ocean in April 2015 during Exercise Joint Warrior, an international naval training exercise near Cape Wrath, Scotland. The silhouetted shapes of the ships, the light on the sea and the clouds all added to the inspiration.

About the Artist
Tim O'Brien

I am a full-time artist, author and tutor. During my 39-year art career I have enjoyed working with a broad range of clients and subject matter (Landscapes, architecture, animals to transport - ships, cars and aerospace), having started out as a Commercial Artist in the world of advertising &…

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