St. Ninian’s Cave

St. Ninian’s Cave

Super, Fiona. Love the colours.

Love the textures and colours Fiona and a lovely description of St Ninians Cave, 😀

What a lovely story with a great painting Fiona. You surely have captured the feel of the place.

I can feel the atmosphere in your painting Fiona, good textures and colours really like this.

Wow...well done Fiona.....fabulous!

Love the colours in this Fiona enhanced by your description of the cave . It was well worth waiting for this collagraph- your best so far.

This says to me DEEP THOUGHT Fiona. I like it. Its me a deep thinker, Thanks.

The painting and the colours are wonderful Fiona, but the description is enthralling. Thanks for that.

I enjoyed the painting and the information , thanks.

Thank you very much Seth! Thanks Margaret, appreciated. Thank you Linda. I had a bit of a hissy fit with the colours to be honest, I tried to get the dark blue, light blue and the dreaded orange not to mix....because I didn’t want the green....and what did I end up with, green sky! I wiped most of it out but actually, when I printed it off it didn’t look too gruesome. Satu I had hoped that I could get some of the atmospherics of the place, it certainly has this pull. Thanks very much.

Thank you very much Carole! Thanks Sylvia, glad you like it. Carol, you say the loveliest things, I could do with you sat at my elbow whilst I paint! Thank you x John you would love this cave, it reaches out to you, not in a religious way....I think it’s the trinkets, prayer beads, pebbles from the beach with names and messages on, in all languages even old coins pushed into cracks and fissures in the rock face. Lots of tokens left with one, peace and reverence.....and you can feel it. It has a little dark mystery too, because not everything is love and light is it! Lol Many thanks Sylvia, I did some sketches of it the last time I was there and it’s a lovely walk to it, you and your doggies would love it. Thank you Mike, glad you like it.

Very interesting - as a child I went to St Ninian's Church. I love your interpretation of the scene.

Stunning, Fiona!

Certainly a very striking and cleverly constructed image Fiona. Collagraphs can be a bit fiddly to produce but you seem to have the measure of it, right down to utilising a couple of washers from the garage! Well done!

A wonderful story and print Fiona. Somehow a background like that gives the painting “soul”.

Love the colours, textures and marks in this, Fiona.

Beautiful painting and a beautiful story Fiona.

That's very clever work Fiona. I love the colours and textures which create a smashing atmosphere and thanks for telling us the story behind the painting.

Thank you very much fiona, Thalia, Alan, Tessa, Ellen, Sandra, Gudrun and Margaret for your lovely comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

12”x9” collagraph print on Arches watercolour paper. St. Ninian's cave is at the end of a beach in a small cove about 1.5 miles from the road. It is said to be the place were St. Ninian chose to spend his 'me time' in the 4th/5th century. It has been a place of pilgrimage ever since. There is a catholic mass there every August and is patronised by pilgrims from all over. It has a very humble feel to the place, there are many rustic crosses made from driftwood of all sizes bound by seaweed as well as ones carved in the rocks many centuries old. There are other tokens such as poems, candles, and pebbles with messages of love, freindship, remembrance and prayers written on them left in cracks in the cave and surrounding rocks.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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