Moonlight on the Loch

Moonlight on the Loch

Great colour and composition. Nothing too wrong here.

This is so dramatic, really like it

a very dramatic and colourful painting well done Fiona

Wonderful pastel and great atmosphere, Fiona. The only thing wrong is that I can't hang it on my walls. :-)

Thank you Fred, I don't think I've ever attempted a evening/night painting, wasn't sure how to start. Maureen, Tao thank you. Relieved that you think it's got a bit of drama, maybe overdone the colour? Your comment made me laugh Cesare.....thank you very much.

Really interesting colour combinations Fiona, indeed the whole effect appeals gresatly. Nice work.

Very attractive Fiona , l really like this .

Really nice Fiona love the colours work and mark making, if I may the only thing I would say about the big left hand tree, would be that if the base area was darker to mirror the shrub area on the right it would intensify the moonlight inbetween on the water maybe ? and give overall intensity to the idea of nighttime , just a thought, I still think it is good and far better than I can do with pastels.

I can see you are really enjoying and mastering your new pastels Fiona, doesn't look wrong to me it certainly caught my eye in the gallery.

This is beautiful Fiona!

Stunning Fiona! A beautiful pastel work, love your colours.

Very exciting picture, Fiona.

Great colours, Fiona, especially that turquoise, and I like the impressionistic way you've done the sky.

It's looking good to me Fiona lovely piece of work

Wow love it Fiona superb

Another very good effort Fiona, and the top gallery!, you are on the up...

Another lovely atmospheric painting Fiona. You've certainly got the hang of using pastels!

A bit of drama here Fiona... very well handled. Pastel is a s..t for me to work with... You seem to have a great grasp of this. How big is this Fiona??

You seem to have taken to pastels very well, this has a very powerful feel to it.

Stunning Fiona! Have you any of your new pastels left? You are certainly a good advertisement for them.

I am certainly no expert but I think it is very good Fiona,

Jim, Helen, Sandra, Malcolm, Barry....thank you for your advice and comments. The colours and subject are new to me so still not sure about the overall look! Thanks again!

Thanks very much everyone, your comments are most encouraging, I'm even beginning to warm to it a little more. Guy, I know what you mean, I tried pastels for the first time about 25 years ago, after the first couple of goes they went to the bottom of the draw never to be used again! But, I gave them another shoot a few months ago and to be honest I love using them. It isn't a large piece only 12x9, didn't want to invest in 10 sheets of paper I wouldn't get around to using if I didn't care for the stuff. Thank you for your interest Guy.

Thanks Stephen, appreciated. I have Sarah but I'm wondering whether I should have ordered more paper! I'm seeing possible painting subjects at every Many thanks David.

This is a worthy Nocturne. Gorgeous. Keep the coming. Just think how wonderful they would be if you got a large piece of paper. In a few week's time I'm going to do large monotypes....

The muted rusty colours make the bright colours more intense. Lovely atmosphere and faultless result.

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 09:45:06

Gudrun, not sure I can afford all the pastel that larger paper would demand! Lol Thank you for the encouragement. Many thanks Ibolya, appreciate your comments very much.

Absolutely love this Fiona!

Thanks very much Karen!

Nothing much wrong at all Fiona, very good work.

Thank you very much George.

I don't think anything went wrong, it might not have went the way you saw in your head, but this is really great! I love the clash of reds and greens and the balance of light and dark. Those must be really nice pastels, they look so creamy and intense in colour! I'm in love with the two blue/greens you are using there!!

Seamas, thank you for taking the time to look and comment on this picture, it isn't difficult to work out that I am only a hobby painter, so I appreciate your feedback very much.

Hang on Studio Wall

12x9 pastel Apart from getting the feel of the new pastels and paper, I was trying to think of a subject for the competition on POL of Nocturne. It all went a bit wrong around the tree area.....never mind, it's all practice!

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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