Digi Rook

Digi Rook

It's really good Fiona! I think digital art really lends itself to these stylised images, love it!

Well done Fiona . I echo what Christine said

Just a bit of fun but enjoyed it. Thank you for taking a look.

That counts. It be nice.

You got the necessaries Fiona, shape and shades of black, great start.

Thank you Amanda, Dennis, Carole, got a quite a long way to go to reach your standards!

Lovely stromg vivid image

Hi Fiona. Nothing at all wrong with this, it's brilliant. I wouldn't know where to start. This digital art genre is new to me and very interesting. And thanks so much for your comment on my' Mods' picture, and for sharing your memories. I was born in 1961, so missed out on living that scene the first time round, but like you I picked it up the second time, around 1978 or so. Luckily, my older brother had been part of it all in the late 60s, and I grew up listening to all that R&B, Small faces etc. So I kind of had a head start on my mates. (even an original Parka from the attic)! Nessie sounds fab. Bet you had some great fun on her. Love your digital work. Very inspirational.

Posted by Ian Fair on Fri 09 Jan 22:11:58

Thank you David, Ian for taking the time to comment on my first attempt at digital art. Not my normal medium but I like to have a go at other mediums, especially when I see the great collection of examples of digital art here on the gallery. Thanks again.

This is fabulous, Fiona! I love the clean, bold lines and the contrasting sandy ground.

Thank you once again Seok for your continued support.

Hang on Studio Wall

Thought I might dip my toes into the realm of digital art....well, I managed to find the paint shop in windows on the computer, does that count? Didn't have a clue what I was doing but quite enjoyed it! It isn't as easy as it may look, not with my limited tools and experience anyway.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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