Wet Fields after 'Wesson'

Wet Fields  after 'Wesson'

Super painting, Fiona, good texture in foreground, I like the colours and tones. Your rate of improvement is fantastic over the last couple of years,though you're a prolific painter. Dedicated to your art is an understatement. Lovely work.

Snag with constructive criticism is that while one can offer it, one's own results might be highly uninspiring. Still, will have a bash..... To get fine twigs, you need fluid paint - mix it with turps or solvent of your choice, plus Linseed oil - work the medium into the paint until it's fluid, and then apply on a dry or semi-dry background. Softer results can be obtained of course against a wet background. Use a long rigger, not a short-haired fine point brush - hold the brush near the end of the handle, and flick; use a colour shaper if you like ..... but if you want clearly-defined twigs and sharp touches, the colour against which you paint them needs to be dry. Scrape back into the paint with a colour shaper, the wrong end of the brush, your finger nail, a pen-knife, anything, to add variety. Above all, buy a cheap Daler Board or three, put a base coat of oil on them, and just practice your brush strokes again and again until you get what you want - use brushes, nails, matchsticks, shapers, palette and pen knives, quills, paper clips, compasses, cocktail sticks, cotton-buds, painting knives, whatever will make a mark. You have to discover your own method; what suits you may well not suit me; and once you've found it, stick to it and develop it. Then tell me how you've done it, so I can shamelessly copy you.......

Gosh you are very prolific lately, in watercolour and oils as well Fiona. This looks good to me, good sense of depth, nice use of tones and the trees look realistic. The Edward Wessons of this world are very talented to start with but what we see in the books are their best works, after many years of patient pracrice, all we can do is practice and our own style will emerge, as Rbert says.

As I have said in the past - I love your oil paintings. They seem to have so much depth to them and they look so expertly painted.

Thank you for your comment Pat, I do hope I am improving a little. I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment, painting or sketching is all I can think about....I'm a little obsessed with it. I'm sure it will pass!! :)

Robert, thank you very much for taking time out to give me your advise ref the twig problem. I'm getting the hang of doing them in watercolour but oils are fairly new to me. I think as you say, try everything and practise, practise! I ended up using my watercolour rigger on this and I only have one rigger, didn't really want to spoil it. I think I'll have to get another. Thanks again Robert much appreciated.

Stephen, I get up in the morning thinking about painting and I go to bed thinking about painting, plus all the time in between!!! When I first discovered Wesson, I wanted to paint exactly like him, I soon found out that it was an unrealistic target. I think the more I paint there is a little bit more of me in each painting......only because I try and find the easiest way around tackling the subject. I'm a lazy painter!! Which is unusual because my husband says I'm OCD! Thanks for your comment Stephen.

You a very kind Thea, depth maybe, expertly....I wish! Thanks Thea.

After being a bit unwell, I am back on the site, Fiona. Sorry if I don't comment on all your latest works. I will try to have a look at them (about 1000 pages!). This is very; very beautiful, as are all your landscapes.

Very nice indeed, Fiona! I will leave the constructive criticism to the real experts - I'm just here to enjoy!

I hope you make a speedy recovery Mia, thank you for taking a look. Many thanks Seok.

Thank you Glennis.

Lovely painting Fiona

Thank you very much Petra.

Fiona I certainly can't give you any tips, but this painting looks really good to me.

Hi Denise, no problem re tips, I think Robert has covered most aspects for me. Thanks very much for leaving a coment.

I really like this Fiona, very well done. Best regards Chris

Again, many thanks Chris for your support.

Hang on Studio Wall

I've based this on my favourite oil painting of Wesson's, not a patch on his of course. It's the first time I've tried to do twigs in oils and my goodness are they awkward to to! 16"x16" oil on canvas. Constructive criticism most welcome. Any tips on doing fine twigs also welcome. Thanks for looking.

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Fiona Phipps

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