Stoat on guard


That’s a lovely drawing Dixie. He really does look alert and on guard.

Like all these sketches, a nice variety of subjects.

Thank you Tessa, Carole and Lew for your kind comments. I’m particularly pleased with this one as I don’t normally draw animals. I originally posted it as a weasel, hence my comment, but the discovered that I could edit it.

Lovely drawing

Thank you very much for you comment Emma, it’s particularly appreciated from someone who is an excellent wildlife artist. Your own work I’d brilliant.

Your confusion reminds me of that old saying Paul, if I can remember it correctly...... A weasel is weasely recognisable but a stoat is stoatally different......or something along those lines. It’s a very good drawing, love the shape and pose of its head.

Thank you Fiona, I thought the same when I made the mistake.

" I need to go and visit Tom, the fat rabbit, he is perfect for my special rabbit stew and Betty, my wife can sew blankets out of his fur for our young during the winter. I will certainly be pleased to see him but I am sure he will not be pleased to see me at all" Steve Stoat chuckled, then stood up to make sure all was safe around him. ( lovely Paul and inspiring)

Thank you Sandi, I like the story to go with the sketch.

Hang on Studio Wall

Looks like it’s guardian it’s territory, a4 pencil on whit paper. From a photograph.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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More by Paul (Dixie) Dean