It’s a Tommy gun , not a bat.


Another lovely and nostalgic sketch, Paul - no we didn't have many toys in times past!

That's right Dixie, I had one of those bats/tommy guns. We also had four cricket stumps/swords (don't know what happened to the other two stumps.)

Lovely sketch Paul. We had to be very inventive with things in those days Paul.

Great sketch Paul. We did have more imagination in those days so many toys were multipurpose.

Love it - more happy memories of times gone by

You’re on a nostalgic trip I see Paul. Knee socks and short trousers….it’ll be knitted swimsuits next😆

Anne, Lew. Carole, Spencer, Heather and Marjorie. Well Marjorie I had forgotten about the knitted swimsuits.

Should had added thank you for your comment, I’m down with the Covid and finding it hard to concentrate at the moment, fortunately it’s just line a very bad cold.

Haha we all used our cricket bats like that, lovely sketch Paul

We've all been here Paul, well 'us' of a certain age that is!

Neil and Russell thank you for taking the time to look and comment it appreciated.

Simple and harmless fun Paul, lovely drawing.

Reminds me of playing Cowboys and Indians with my brother in Brandlehow Woods, Derwent Water many years ago. In those days could not work out why I was always the Indian. Sorted that one out later !😀🤗. Another goodie Paul.

Thank you for your comments Fiona and Richard .

Another lovely sketch Paul.

Your sketches have a knack of dredging long lost memories from the mire Dixie. Life was so much more innocent/naïve then. Thanks.

Thank you Mark for taking the time to look and comment, I pleased that it brought back memories, it certainly did for me.

Hang on Studio Wall

Graphite sketch on cartridge paper, we seemed to be very inventive when we payed . I suppose we didn’t have the toys they do these days, and the cricket bat did look like a Tommy gun in my eyes at the time.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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