Down a Chiltern lane.


There’s a peaceful feel to this Paul

All serene ,nicely painted Paul.

Hi Paul, beautifully implemented, this scene.

Posted by Tanja G. on Sat 29 Jul 06:23:26

I agree, this has a peaceful feel and look to it, pleasant to see, and your eye is led around the painting and back to the foreground.

Lovely and serene

Frank, Sylvia, Tanja, Tessa and Heather thank you so much for your much appreciated comments.

Good depth and composition Dixie

Super composition Paul, a few strong shadows perhaps?

Nicely done Paul.

Lovely scene Paul.

A lovely clean and unfussy painting, Dixie, very nice.

A lovely painting Paul, and I agree there is a peaceful feeling to it

Thank you Martin, Alan, Stephen, Denise, Carole and Cheryl. Good point Alan surprising what you don’t notice when you so close, I actually thought I had included some shadow how odd.

Really like this kind of landscape Paul, you feel you want to be part of it.

Thank you Fiona . I was lucky enough to work as a Ranger for the National Trust up in the woodlands on the Chiltern Ridge , volunteering but ten excellent years . I learned so much about nature doing my two or three days a week in all seasons and still feel very much that a part of me is a part of the scenery.

Good composition with the lane leading the eye to the trees. Well done.

Looks like lovely serene place to live, no wonder hefty price tags of the houses!

Thank you for your comments Andrew, Romila and Tim.

Nice drawing Paul 😉 I can only imagine, that those upgraded houses can cost fortune now 😉

Hang on Studio Wall
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A4 watercolour on Bockingford paper. A scene very common in the Chiltern particularly around the base of the hills. Lovely old barns with huge beech trees and beechwood’s on the hills above. There are still a lot of these old barn about both in use and a few looking quite sad . Some have been developed into very nice home with a hefty price tag too.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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