

Always love one of your good old boats.

Yeah Paul - brilliant 👍👍👍

Your boats are always so good, Paul!!

Thank you Heather and Art for you kind comments.

Thank you David I think we were typing at the same time.

Like this way you have captured the decay, well done 👍.

A very well constructed example of abandoned boat’s Paul!

Too beautiful to be abandoned, lovely effects Paul.

Nice work Dixie, you have that soggy rotten wood spot on.

Super. Was great to watch this develop.

Stephen, George, Alan,Marjorie, Lew, and Collette thankful for your very kind comments.

Excellent Paul.

These are super boats Paul. The various colours you have used give a great impression of age.

Beautifully painted, Paul. Love the composition and the textures.

Coral , Denise , David and Seok thank you fit taking the time to look and comment.

I love the rust, well portrayed Paul.

Love your colours, a lovely painting.

Nicely done Paul, good painting.

Carole and Valerie thank you for your very kind comments.

Great pallette and a great study Paul superb.

You have a wonderful ability of being able to show boats decaying and disintegrating.

Many thanks Chris and Spencer I appreciate your comment.

Handled beautifully Paul.

The tones are excellent, a very nicely painted scene.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour on 23x36 cm paper , decaying old boat from a faded reference photo the colours are my choice . These old abandoned boats , trucks , buildings etc offer so much to the artist decaying wood , rusty metal, broken windows etc.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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